Thursday 21 March 2013

I'm still Groggy!

Bwa-ha-ha- the sun was shining might fierce today. How could my clothes possibly live up to the weather? Definitely some spirography-type pants were required, which I recently downsized, seen here before the change. I added my tuxedo blouse worn under a silk brocade halter top. Then my R coat with a black sleeveless Groggy vest bought on the same outing as the Muppet massacre coat in the previous post. On my feet are ankle boots by Ingledew's, almost new condition, in buttery soft brown leather.

  • tuxedo cotton blouse, thrifted
  • spirograph pants by Talbots, thrifted, remade
  • Ingledew's ankle boots, thrifted, Value Village, $7 (yay!)
  • silk brocade halter top with three rear ties (you have to tie it in front and then twist it around)
  • R coat, thrifted
  • Groggy sleeveless black vest, thrifted, $10
  • cool vinyl bag, thrifted. I love it so much it's starting to fall apart.
And what's that around my neck? My street style camera! I dusted off the cobwebs and loaded her with new batteries, so glad I did - I always meet the most cool people doing street photography. If you don't know it, it's here.  

And Tracey Rossignol of Fashion Forward 40 profiled me on her Follow Fashion Friday, March Edition, along with Lynne of The Good Will Hunting Paralegal and Joni at Walking Colors, two bloggers I love! Thanks, Tracey. Bonus - Tracey is based in Vancouver.

That's all for now. Tomorrow is a special day. I'll tell you about it soon... Spring kisses all round.


  1. You always look so fantastic Melanie! I always love to have my camera on me, I find it comforting.

  2. Oh, the vest over the coat is wonderful! Love the mixed patterns; love this period. :) Just lovely! Here's to the sun's mighty fierceness, and to a special day! Look forward to hearing about it. :D

  3. You look fabulous, Melanie - that vest is amazing, and I love that you've worn it over a coat (another great coat). Nice to know the sun is shining. It must be Spring in Vancouver! Xo

  4. This optical mix and match went straight to my eyes and heart and I had a little scream of delight seeing the silk embroidered blouse detail, definitely not for everyone, only the beautiful minded can dare to wear such a great outfit (and with such a topmodel figure).
    Congratulations for being featured on Follow fashion Friday, your style deserve to be on the spotlight!
    Your sincere fan
    Edie xxxxxxxxxx

  5. So fab, Melanie - the silk halter is a brilliant addition! Congrats on your spotlight, too.

  6. I bet it makes everyone's day being admired and snapped by such a glamourpuss as you! I love the pants and coat combo, that fluffy scarf and the use of the tie-back top is just brilliant - I've got a couple of those I only ever wear in India.
    I'm glad the sun's shining somewhere, give us a go next! xxx

  7. Congrats for the feature! you deserve more and more!
    Looking stunning and eclectic! I love it!

  8. Your thinking is always outside the box - or in this case, outside the coat. The vest is so cool, and it's perfect being shown off as the top layer!

    Can't wait to read the article - you, Lynne and Joni are always so fun to read. And I'll go back and check out Culture Serf again. What a plethora of online reading!!!

  9. awesome look, love the b & w with color.

  10. fabulous coat and fabulous outfit; that pants look great after being downsized, really cool print!, and love that you're wearing a golden top over a shirt, such a great idea!, so inspiring!

  11. Very cool pants Melanie. Did you take them in on both inside and outside side seams? I have a few pairs that really need some up-cycling.

    Excellent score at the Village too. Sometimes their shoes seem over-priced, and $7.00 for Ingledew's is a steal. And how creative to wear a halter over a shirt. Melanie, you really help me to see a whole new possibility in clothing.

    Let's both play in the sun today...who know what the weather will bring this weekend.

    Sue xo

  12. Your graphic look with the little spring hidden within the coat is fantastic. The thrift shop's in Canada are true miracles, comprising such wonderful clothes.

  13. The pants are fantastic and you did a great job sizing them down. Love the silk brocade vest!!! The bag looks like a good--- like you could fit a ton of shit in there!! My kind of tote!
    Becky :)

  14. Melanie,
    Your outfits are sooo creative and perfect!!!
    My muse!

  15. Love this - all the items look so together-y, even though there is a shock! pattern-mixing going on. I need to get braver. You are inspiring me x

  16. Love this combination of patterns and textures. And thanks for the shout out.

  17. I think I could spend my entire week online, reading about all the fabulous people out there, like you!! I love Lynn and Joni too, so clearly I need to check out your Vancouver fellow-blogger. She has excellent taste with the three of you! I'm happy to know Culture Serf is back up, too.

    As always you inspire with a creative mash-up done with an impeccably artistic eye. I would say I'm your biggest fan but I don't want to start any fights. Yes, we CAN "all just get along". Love you!!

  18. Great look as usual. As simple as that.

  19. Every single gorgeous item you're wearing is thrifted. You fucking rock so you get an honorary posting to the top job - you are now Corps Leader of First Brigade Awesome. I want you in the jungle with me to fight the battle of bland!!! xoxoxoxoxoxxo

  20. I love this pattern mix, it's strangely relaxing. It's all awesome, the boots were an amazing find. It's great to have you back x

  21. You are amazing. I love this. Thanks for your comments about the website idea--I'm still marinating on it, but I think it might be a project for later this year and I'm def going to look into the website host you use.

  22. Looking great in those monochrome prints, enjoy your time street style snapping!

  23. i love your outfit. i'm off now to read follow fashion friday. love lucyx

  24. You. Look. So. F'ing. Cool.

    Off to read about 3 of my faves!

  25. Oh the coat is a stunner and I am sure you took some wonderfully creative shots of your day.
    happy weekend!!!!
    Excited to hear what your news is.
    love V

  26. The sun, you say. I seem to remember that. It was a long, long time ago...

    Love the trousers and coat combo, utterly fabulous!

  27. I want to know why that tomorrow of which you typed was a special day! Update?

  28. I'm still working on "groggy" but I got profiled with you and Joni? I don't consider myself anywhere near you guys' sartorial level (there's that law office curb on creativity) so I'm gobsmacked, oh and HONORED!

  29. I love your quirky style! :)

    Would you like to follow each other?

  30. I'm sure the street folk are wondering why such a fabulous being is taking their photos!!
    You look amazing as always!!

  31. Wow, I thought it was a boa, but you've got every style of groggy goodness going. And how cool to be profiled along with our friends. 3 cheers for all!

  32. Yes + Yes + Yes + You = YES

    LOVE this coat. LOVE this combination. LOVE your inspiration. You are amazing, Miz Bagg!

    Sarah xxx
