Friday 20 September 2013

Don't choke on my pith

I'm possessed by my granny shoes. But don't call the exorcist because I like it.

In action again below, in high def.

Dump trucks, grass, parkade signs, street lines, construction vests, insects, flowers, and rain - these are a few of My Favourite Things when I wear this lemon rind. The inner pith of linen, silk, and what-the-heck-is-that fabric would make you choke a smile. 

I'm an elusive creature these days, dodging out of frames and sidestepping stills. The motion picture works best at capturing my current emotional voice, although soon I suspect I'll be doing talkies too. 

  • neon yellow robe, retail sale
  • linen jacket with big buttons from schmancy store (Moule), gift certificate, big sale
  • vastly oversized teal silk blouse worn backwards, vintage, from friend's time-sealed treasure chest 
  • sleeveless rust-coloured side-slitted dress, thrifted
  • blue capri pants, same length as dress, with brown silk cuff, thrifted.
  • patterned brown socks made in Italy, extravagant retail
  • granny oxford shoes, thrifted
  • granny bag from Singapore, gift for plant-sitting
  • tool box handbag, from O
  • magic loupe, from O

I've been asked about my video software. It's called VideoPad Video Editor (mine's for Windows) by the company NCH. It's easy to use - there is a tutorial - and it has many special features. I bought it after test-driving the free trial. This is not a paid endorsement (I wish!). I record the raw footage with my regular camera. 

Personally, I've needed this exploration to renew my process and stave off stagnation; what you see is my evolution from square one (thanks for your patience). I'm curious about where this will lead; I like not knowing.Would you ever consider making a little video clip for your blog? I've been very inspired by the clips and animated gifs I've seen on some of your blogs already.


  1. What a nice vlog. You approached it creatively and put in some interesting visuals and camera-angles. Coincidentally, I've been contemplating doing vlogs myself but am intimidated by the learning process involved.

  2. I am with Shybiker - do want to try some videos but a bit intimidated. We'll work up our courage together, yes? Love your granny shoes and their wicked counterpoint to your flowy top pieces. And I adore the way you evolve, you inspire me! xo

  3. I like the music with the flowing quality of the clip especially the thunder sound at the end! Feels like you are having fun doing these. I'd like to see you a bit longer though to get a fuller look at your cool outfits. Admire your experimentation!

    blue hue wonderland

  4. The video wouldn't come up for me. The square was just black.

    I'm nervous about videos. I guess it is the same as when I started taking photos of myself. I used to hate that too.

    Those colours are wild. You won't be getting lost in a snow storm...not that you get a whole bunch of those in BC...but should you decide to go heli skiing this would be a great choice of outfit in case of avalanche.


  5. Okay...the video did come up. I guess it just took a while to load.

    I love the soundtrack : )


  6. I really like your granny shoes, especially the heel.

  7. I really look forward to your videos's, they are most brilliant, (without sound, my laptops fault, bad bad laptop)
    I have never considered doing a have got me thinking! x x

  8. I could make a video of me tripping over my cat, or a customer yelling at me. Yeah.

    I love your granny shoes.

  9. Vlogoff! And I mean that in the nicest possible way.

    The shoes are lovely, funky and shapely. Just imagine how you could wear your neon robe if you were working in traffic. Then after work you just take it off and you're in your classy evening outfit!

    I am tempted to do some video after seeing yours. It's what my husband does for work (and I used to work with him) so he's got pro editing equipment and about three cameras. But the editing is kinda time-consuming, and then he has to show me how the new software works, and he tries to take over and make suggestions, and then I say I want to do it my way, and we both get prickly, then he leaves, and then I get stuck and have to ask him a question, and then he comes back and the whole vicious cycle starts all over again...

    Not saying I won't ever try it, though.

  10. I adore your layering , and being possessed by your granny suits you, my arty friend.
    have a fabulous weekend, dear Melanie.

  11. So good!!!! I'll do a video soon!! The X-man makes them quite often with some editing program on our Mac...

  12. Beautiful colour Melanie! The teal and brown may be expected, but with the yellow robe and the dove coloured linen jacket....xoxox....fantastic! And the backwards shirt is very cool! I haven't tried any video, not even on my camera. Your vlogs are so well done! The visuals, the music...great mood!

  13. The Style Confession (Heather) is making videos at the moment.
    I have not even got the time to make my photos, let alone videos. Getting tired.

  14. Oh Melanie, you have some amazing clothes and I just love the way you mix things together and it works so well, with different colours and fabrics. I might give video a chance, I still feel a bit selfconscious taking photos and video might alleviate it!

  15. I've done a couple of vlogs but nothing in the fashion realm. I'm gonna have to git to gittin!

  16. Love your fashion movies ( the word "vlog" sounds nasty)

  17. Everything you do is art, baby! I love that injection of neon, I wasn't expecting that from the tantalising black and white image in my blog reader. x

  18. Great! But too much leaves, and grasses and trees on your video for my liking. I wanna see you and your clothes. I can see bloody grass anytime!

    Looking fabulous, by the way!

    Much love from England,
    Rosemary from

  19. The notion of video for the blog is fun, intriguing, but apparently there's not going to be enough time in the dayplanner 'til, oh maybe 2017? Were there lashings of minutes and hours and days and weeks, I'd say we could do a wee collaborative piece on the Granville Island ferry someday. Or under the Lions Gate Bridge in that spooky fog that engulfs the Seawall. Or at your favourite Artigianos (except then perhaps you could never go there again -- or perhaps you'd get free coffees for life thereafter. . . )

  20. Love it! Love your videos! Been working into that myself. Isn't it fun? Who says advancing technology is for the younger generation? Well, my daughter -- just sometimes when she is too busy to be my photographer.


  21. Love those granny shoes. I'm a bit ambivalent about making videos myself, it feels as if it would be an even more personal communication/ self projection onto the big old internet when I might prefer to protect my privacy; but I'm enjoying yours and they're certainly tempting me to wonder about giving it a try.

  22. The granny shoes are genius, look what they are making you do! The neon is totally unexpected, it's great to see you floating and tapping and dodging and wafting.
    No videos for me, I fear, not because I think they are a bad idea, I am just terribly technically challenged and wouldn't have a clue how to do them! But you - you go for it, Mel! xxxxx

  23. I used to make videos for my Wacky Fashion Wednesday posts. In fact I've made videos for almost all of them, but uploading them onto the blog posts takes sooooooooo looooooong. So I just gave up. By the way, that neon robe is probably the most awesome garment I have ever seen in my entire life.

  24. I'm on the same page as Curtise. Total tech ineptitude. NI have definitely thought of vlogging, especially when I want to share tutorials on puzzle clothes, or how to wear things in unintended ways. Oh said something about trying to embrace an analog life? I totally get it. I don't want the medium to be the message. It's a balancing act. I'm always happy to see you wearing O's creation. It feels like a talisman. I'm a little unbalanced right now so I appreciate the semblance of sanity that you project in the whirlwind of color and fabric. Love you madly. BTW, are you growing your hair?

  25. I'm on the same page as Curtise. Total tech ineptitude. NI have definitely thought of vlogging, especially when I want to share tutorials on puzzle clothes, or how to wear things in unintended ways. Oh said something about trying to embrace an analog life? I totally get it. I don't want the medium to be the message. It's a balancing act. I'm always happy to see you wearing O's creation. It feels like a talisman. I'm a little unbalanced right now so I appreciate the semblance of sanity that you project in the whirlwind of color and fabric. Love you madly. BTW, are you growing your hair?

  26. Loving the layer up!! Giving me ideas now ready for our Autumn ahead, A lady can never have enough shoes it's a must ;) fabulous style Melanie as always xxx

  27. Hello Melanie!

    Truly enjoy your video, i wish i could do the same but i guess i would need someone to film - I 'm on my own when it comes to blogging and time too, working 9 to 5 getting home at 6, can't do very much, but i wish -
    Great combo of colors and mix of styles, that in itself takes a lot of time to figure out - Tell me how long does it take you to put such fabulous outfit together - I get the ideas all the time, but forget about them, i should write them down -
    I feel a little blah myself these days, could be the change of season, or darn meno, it gets to me sometimes - But we shall conquer!
    Other than that i'm fine, working on the Etsy shop when i can and wanting to paint so much, God it hurts, hahaha!
    Hope you find your groove soon!

    Ariane xo

  28. I can understand your possession and your experimentation. So fun to see you, your beloved granny shoes and your neon yellow robe in action, and accompanied by music. I'm sure the talkies are not far behind.

    I am tempted to try a few videos, with your inspiration. Never say never!

  29. If people would actually watch, I would do a video for each post, I love making them. This is a great video, the music, the tempo and you are a natural on camera. XOXOX!
    P.S. Now possessed by your granny shoes and will not be contacting a priest about it. :-)

  30. I thee nothing pithy about your thtuff. And I, too, am a longtime fan of granny shoes. Thuper thweet.

  31. Granny shoes are awesome - a store that sells expensive orthopaedic-type shoes here was moving, and clearing out all the shoes in their basement from the 1940's and up - Granny Shoe heaven!

    I have shot a few short videos on my camera at music events, but have not tried any of me. My excuse would be not enough time to experiment and no one to help. A full time job and no regular camera assistant can hinder one's creative output! I will add it to the list of things to do; perhaps I'll start with a short video of Fred!

  32. Those Granny shoes are AWESOME!!
    Melanie--you always are a treat and inspiration be it in still photos or video!! Guranteed to bring a smile to my face!!

  33. Hi Melanie, I can not believe the difference in the black and white verses the colored photos. Wow!
    Love the video, but what I love best is that you are having so much fun living the life you have. You are never going to be the little granny sitting in the rocking chair filled with regrets, about how you didn't give life a run for it's money. I love that about you. In that way, you are my hero :)
    Have a glorious day.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  34. gorgeous! did you see my garden tour? this my only video really xxx

  35. your videos are a genuine piece of fabulousness in movement!, your neon yellow cloth floating and your pretty granny shoes and bag, everything is awesome!!
    besos & fluor!

  36. I always look forward to your videos, your photos always had a lot of movement so they seem like a natural progression to me. If I could be arsed to blog, I might be making films too, the stagnation has set in and I need a new challenge. Your pith is bittersweet. I love neon yellow, it's a colour that attracts you too xxx

  37. AND I love love love granny anything, especially granny shoes
