Monday 16 June 2014

Naked people everywhere and men carrying trees

Remember how I said in the last post that amazing things happen when you wear amazing clothes? This is what I saw today...
This is what I was wearing...
This is what I saw yesterday...
This is what I was wearing... 
Ah, it's a mad, mad, mad, mad world. I'm almost afraid to get dressed tomorrow. Maybe I'd better not put on anything and hop on my bicycle. 

You might recall the kimono robe from our manhole-cover party. Or not -  things got slightly out of control. (Don't worry, Judith, I won't post those photos.) I'm using the brilliant Calvin and Hobbes kid suspenders from Bella of The Citizen Rosebud to hoist my skirt. Except for the shoes/socks and magic loupe O made me, everything is thrifted. Those shoes clop like horse hooves. Very satisfying.

The other outfit features my DIY rock star pants, in which, during their inaugural outing, I almost chatted with Paul Stanley, the KISS rock star, not the same-named New York designer of the fabulous vintage gown from Pao and her mum I wore in the previous post. Same names - spooky. And my DIY jacket.
My eyes are becoming more sensitive to eye shadow as the years go by, so instead of putting the colour directly on my lids, I have begun using it above the crease. The blue-green mini-brows were made with "Make Up For Ever" cream shadow from Sephora. The lipstick is MAC's Candy Yum Yum, a daily staple. The colours here are accurate, at least on this monitor. For the kimono manhole outfit, I painted a dime-sized dot of hot pink under my brows. Of course you can't see them - I have to stand under the fluorescent light for anything to show. Expect to see more eye colour experimentation.

According to Wikipedia, the World Naked Bike Ride is for a "cleaner, safer, body-positive" world. And those men are moving a styrofoam prop for a multi-million-dollar Jeep commercial in which a downtown block was transformed into a wild canyon with trees, boulders, gushing water, mist, and snowfall. Considering a majority of surveyed Canadians (not me) have identified Jeep as their "dream car," I can almost understand the expense. (No, I can't understand ever. This is madness.) 

Because I missed Patti's Visible Monday at Not Dead Yet Style last time, I'm making up for it by joining twice this time, with this post and the previous one. Bwa-ha-ha. See you there.
Edit: I'm linking this to Sacramento's Share-in-Style: Gold at Mis Papelicos as well. Gold spangles, can't live without them.

Does your town have any wacky celebrations? Naked people on bikes? I have always thought that a town in a slump would do well by becoming the Knitting Capital of the World. It could erect a tacky sculpture of the The World's Biggest Knitting Needles at the town limits and host an Annual International Knit-Off with prizes for skill, speed, etc. The resultant products could be raffled or donated. Just an idea. Have you got any ideas? 

*The days in this post refer to Friday and Saturday.


  1. Hello Melanie,

    Well, your psychedelic outfits could surely be guaranteed to stop traffic wherever you appear in them! We think that you are the star attraction, never mind the naked cyclists. Nobody would give them a second look with you around.

    In Brighton there is a very popular and well attended annual naked bicycle ride but the weather cannot be guaranteed to not induce frostbite! But, in your rainbow clothes the sun would be bound to shine!

  2. so fabulous title for a fabulous post, yeah, it makes me enthusiastic about dressing up everyday!!, your RockStar Pants and sequined top could psychedelize any boring reality!, and so amazing shades on your dress and kimono combo, and stunning shoes and socks!
    besos & rock

  3. Naked cyclists and giant fake tree trunks? It all goes on when you're around, Melanie! Love seeing a close-up of the Rock Star pants and those jingly jangly sequins, and the painterly print on your dress is beautiful. Your eyeshadow is prettily painterly too!
    Nope, nothing wacky goes on here - shame... xxxx

  4. How I love those hand drawn pants and jacket. Like a walking artist pad.

    I always wondered just how comfortable it is to ride a bike naked. Not so much I'd think.


  5. All the art! I love it. Too early for all the nakedness, so I blurred my eyes. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, you are a star. xox

  6. Love that delicious peep at your rockin' outfit!
    I'd love to join in on a naked cycle ride, any excuse to bare all in public. xxx

  7. Portland is home to the naked lot of cyclists that take to the streets everything month baring all. Why are they all so hairy, that is what I want to know???? You look ready for anything ANYTHING as always.

  8. I need to know if those cyclists covered their bike seats with some kind of soft fabric to prevent chafing. I couldn't concentrate on the rest of your post because that's the only thing I could think about. I saw lots of bum cracks and then swirls of pretty colors on your clothes and eyes. And your cute haircut! But I'm still worrying about the bike seat thing.

  9. Ha! It's so true, great things happen in great clothes! Those trousers look seriously great and the kimono is beyond words great! Lally XX

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Now there's a unique blog title. Goodness me - and they really are... (naked, and carrying a tree, but not the same people, at the same time).
    Your outfits clearly have powers that the rest of us can only dream of. Ah, but we knew that already, didn't we.

  12. Those rock star pants are absolute perfection! At first I thought I was going to see naked men carrying trees. I was nearly disappointed but the rock star jeans made up for it. Not much weird and wonderful happens in Comox though when we have the Highland Games we do get hunky men in kilts tossing trees.

  13. Cleaner safer bike seats? I think not. Yikes. That makes me want to wear lots and lots of thick protective clothes. I am certain that every day you step outside of your doorway all the locals are inspired to,do all sorts of wonderful things. You certainly inspire me and I am hundreds of miles away. Though I'll keep my pants on thank you very much.

  14. Ha! Yes, we do have a similar parade called the Solstice Parade in the Fremont neighborhood near the zoo. A lot of people paint their bodies very creatively and then ride. But there are the occasional completely naked riders and sometimes they stray from the parade and risk a ticket from the cops. It's visually beautiful really and can make one feel foolish standing there in clothes. I mean, it's just a body, right? But, clothing is so much more fun!
    Great idea on the eyeshadow. My lids burn with irritation whenever I put shadow on them. So I'll try this! ;)

  15. Look at all those naked people! Magical times! You're dressed for adventure!

  16. London doesn't have a naked bike ride, but Toronto does, and I stumbled on it last year by accident. It's a bit startling if you're not prepared ;)

    You are a riot of colour in this post - I like the eye shadow idea as shadow just smears right off my eyes if I wear it on the lid. I find that brighter colours are much more flattering than the subdued, "flattering" shades that makeup people recommend. When I wear my canary yellow eyeliner, my eyes look brighter and bigger.

  17. You know, I have a little difficulty wrapping my head around naked bike riding. I mean, the seats are uncomfortable WITH clothing...maybe I'm old and a little worn out, but even back in the day I think I would have found that distressing. And unsanitary.

    However, YOU are glorious in your colorful sweep of fabric. Love the makeup and jacket.

    Love you.

  18. I would be afraid to get dressed after spotting a naked bike ride too. Perversely, I instantly locked one dressed person there, presumably a cop on a bike, wondering why they were so overdressed. Giant gold sequins, incredible eye shadow experimentations, gold-smackingly gorgeous Japanese-style sandals and an intensely amazing DIY jacket are the things one MUST turn to when naked bottoms are making their point. xoxoxoxo

  19. Sorry i don't comment as much, lost my mojo somehow, will see if it comes back?
    Everytime i look at you i want to dress more over the top just like you!
    I have seen those naked bikers in San Francisco, lots of festivals and events in Mtl but nothing as wacky, maybe we are too politiclay correct in Montreal, who knows?

    I went to the doctor's yesterday, got an sick leave extension until mid september, that's good- Happy i will relax big time and get back on track

    Lots of hugs and love


  20. I completely believe that you manifested the naked bikers with your outfit. It is wonderful, and the only appropriate response to naked bike people.
    Every festival in our little area is wacky. Shows what a city kid I really am ... I did not know what a bull drop was. They mark off a grid in a pen, and sell chances based on the grid squares. Then they put a bull in the pen, and the winner is the owner of the grid section where he takes a poop.
    The smaller version is the chicken drop. Ahem.
    What lovely colors! Excellent eyes!

  21. Awesome trousers and kimino. And thank you for explaining the bike ride! I was on a bus on Saturday in my neighbourhood in London and saw a large group of naked men cycling together blowing whistles. (All men - I see yours had women too). Extraordinary things indeed happen when you dress up! I too had dressed up - I was wearing a pale blue tulle tutu and I always think of you now when I pull out a tutu to wear. The world is connected in mysterious ways. I had no idea what the naked bike ride was all about so you've solved a little mystery for me today.

  22. Dear Melanie. Thank you for not revealing the photos from the manhole-cover party, which I agree, should remain "undercover." Happy to see the kimono robe again! Your mix of colors in this post's photos thrill me!

  23. You are so artistic and creative, and what's fascinating about those great skills you possess is that they know no boundaries. Sometimes we wanna dress over-the-top like you, but we couldn't pull it off even if we tried, its what makes you you and that's why we never get bored here.

    Thanks for explaining the naked men, Hmm I would wanna experience that and (I'm gonna stop typing now) LOL.

    Have a great weekend Melanie!

  24. I'm afraid I missed the Naked Bike Ride (I think I was working)... Maybe next year.
    Yes, odd things seem to happen when you dress up... That is definitely worth exploring a bit more, I look forward to some updates...

  25. Sweet lady I LOVE YOUR STYLE!!!!!! lovely!!! Kis from Spain!

  26. Thank you for being pure art and inspiration, my dear Melanie, and also for becoming a member of the Share-in-Style family
    Tons of love
