Tuesday 15 May 2018

Me, Turniphead, and Rock-on Retrospective

It's possible you saw these little Turnipheads in a post I recently updated which came to your email in-box. I didn't know it would notify you. Auck. You may recognize some of Turniphead's outfits; she wears what I wear and usually hangs out with Kitty.

And I made another compilation video of some of my outfits from October 2016 to now-ish, Part 2 after Part 1, October '15 to '16. I uploaded a version, took it down, and then replaced it with this one. It's all so complex!

Have a look if you have a minute. Seriously, it's exactly 1 minute long.

Don't forget that I'm doing Style Boost Coaching now if you'd like help building up the courage to wear what makes you happy and live with attitude. See HERE.

Now, getting serious with playtime below.

This may look suspiciously like Vancouver Art Gallery, but really I'm in Italy! Yes, definitely, kind of! I stopped to whip around my dress and lean on marble columns on my way to a little trattorria, where I shall dine on pasta and drink red wine and wreck my dress, but I won't mind because, hey, I'm in friggin' Italy. 

Perhaps I shall need to rinse my dress in Trevi Fountain. The thought of laundry has never be so romantic. I should have brought all my dirty clothes with me!

Meet me at the Piazza di Spagna. See how great that sounds? Look for the woman with eyes like spinning saucers - that will be me, amazed that I am in friggin' ITALY!! 

I like the novels of Patricia Highsmith and loved the movie adaptation of The Talented Mr. Ripley with Gwyneth Paltrow, Cate Blanchett, Jude Law, and Matt Damon. In particular, I loved seeing Italy of the late '50s through director Minghella's eye. The clothes - sigh. Below, a montage of scenes with the characters Meredith Logue and Tom Ripley.

Okay, so I haven't been to Italy - YET. But the Art Gallery's plaza is just several million steps removed. And the light was amazing that day, very, uh, Italian. 

I'm wearing my light corduroy strapless dress with my Calvin & Hobbs suspenders from Bella, Citizen Rosebud, and black tights and my man shoes, which I often wear to toughen up a feminine piece.

Mavis did a spectacular job! My remote control used to be named Dick, but Mavis is so much better. She works twice as hard for twice the pay. She always anticipates my needs.

Below, a closeup of the cool suspenders. I have them on backwards which is rightwards for me, a bit like a halter top. The white "blouse" is a light, soft cotton nightgown, thigh length, with all the pretty eyelet lace trim removed. It's not only long but also very oversized and bunchy, which poufs out the skirt quite satisfactorily. And it spills out the top aided by my heaving cleavage. Heh.

I couldn't have done a better job at sports photography if I had tried. 

I am going to link up with Patti at Not Dead Yet Style, Visible Monday, and Catherine at Not Dressed as Lamb, #iwillwearwhatilike

Have your clothes transported you anywhere this week? Do tell!! Any romantic laundry happenings you care to share? Okay, maybe don't answer that...


  1. I love the outfit montage video!!!!!!

  2. Most excellent video! You rock and rule the style arts, woman. I've read all the "Ripley" novels - they're deliciously creepy, eh? See you not soon enough, but pretty soon! xox


  3. Loved the video. Great music and editing!

    I need to rewatch The Talented Mr. Ripley. Another wonderful movie filmed in Italy is Only You. I love that movie.

    FAB sports photography! Next thing I'll be seeing is Turniphead on a skateboard.

    I'm glad you showed the close up of the suspenders. What a brilliant idea!

    Your ability to get out and take photos with your tripod always amazes me.


  4. Oh no! Has Dick been retired? Made redundant? His place usurped by that upstart Mavis? Technology has such a short life. RIP Dick.

    Love that white outfit combo though. Your genius with suspender clips is legendary!

  5. Love Patricia Highsmith and very happy that the film based on The Talented Mr Ripley wasn't a massive let down like adaptations of my fave books so usually are (having Matt Damon in it was a massive help).
    Love your vid. x

  6. Your artwork is so fantastic and I find your little Turnipheads delightful.
    That video. What can I say? It was by far the best minute I have spent all week. You are completely fabulous. When backwards is forwords you know that you are someplace fabulous ,

  7. Your montage is so very schwanky! I love it, and admire your madd editing skillz. The nightgown is clearly pouf-tastic and would be appropriate in any Italian body of water: the Mediterranean, the Trevi Fountain, what-have-you.

  8. Am I looking at Bag and a Beret or a collection of Vermeer paintings? Your look has so much Renaissance about it and yet it's totally modern. How do you do it??? So cool!!!

    - Sherry

  9. Excellent accidental skateboarder capture! Thank you for the closeup of the suspenders - I loved Calvin and Hobbes. Your outfit has such a romantic vibe with the creamy colours and voluminous sleeves. The suspenders bring it firmly into the present, as does your joyful exuberance. I always love seeing your little turnip heads.

  10. Cool , klasse, Hammer, genial .
    Danke für das Video :))
    LG heidi

  11. Indeed, very Italian Melanie. And I have been to Italy so my opinion counts, right?

  12. Listen Mel,you're TRULLY wonderful and beautiful! I love your style, your looks and your spirit. But then, you're SO thin. If only...How do you do THAT!!!
