PEACE FOR ALL OF US!!! YAY!!! That's the grand hope, the dream.
You may note that I have boosted my font. I was so tired of that weeny eeny font. What was I thinking?! Of course that original font setting happened six years ago when I thought reading glasses were an option, not a requirement. Hahaha!!
I frickin' love this outfit. The dress is courtesy of my friend Shelley, Forest City Fashionista, who has graced this blog many a time for her style, humour, intelligence, and friendship. The dress is faux fur, grey, with a lightning-bolt-type overlay on the front. I call it my Flintstones meets David Bowie meets Lost in Space Dress.
The groovy tights love this shift dress. I hoisted the hem a bit to show you a little psychedelic leg action. Heh. The boots, also groovalicious, I got at Value Village a little while ago, stretch leather, made in Italy, new condition. The earrings are from a great haul I had a couple of years ago at My Sister's Closet eco thrift boutique, proceeds to the Battered Women's Shelter Services.
And next - ta dah!! This is the director's edit of my new video, slightly longer than the IG version.
My new video!
This was a fun challenge to film with a tripod - just one indoor take and two outside. I didn't have time to fark around because people were walking up and down the sidewalks.
When I was trying to get up from the bench, a couple of concerned women nearby almost came over to give me a hand. I was impressed because it meant my acting was convincing - I can in fact move in these pants, kind of. Next time, I need a sign that says, "No, it's just tight leather pants. But thanks."
When I bought these pants they had little rips in the seams by the knees from a former owner who apparently also had navigational difficulties. I put clear tape over them. Fixed!! I'll get around to a proper repair sometime.
Above, the full outfit.
And look, I'm windsurfing! In the stairwell! Seriously, who wants the fuss of annoying wind, water, wetsuits, towels, know-how, and a windsurfing board? This is the only way to do sports.
That's all for this time. I'll link up with Patti's Visible Monday at Not Dead Yet Style and Catherine at Not Dressed as Lamb for #iwillwearwhatilike.
I raise a toast to everyone. May you feast and be merry. And whether you celebrate a specific holiday or not, the sales on unsold sweets will soon be upon us, and that's definitely something to celebrate. Hurray!
Thanks so much for visiting. Hugs all around.