Smack, smack, SMACK! THWACK! That's the sound of me slapping big labels - trampling our divine bodies like many crawly advertising people suck suck sucking at our skin. I hear them, slurp, slurp, slurp, aaah. And we pay for the privilege! But why not pay myself for the privilege?
A sucking leechoid at my own skin?! Shamelessly promoting me, moi, myself, my lonesomeness, my fabulousness, yes!! Why not? Shy exterior hides vampire-bat-like tendencies, although I look like I just rolled out of bed, which I had almost done, except for staggering to a local cafe (carefully in my platform shoes) as no milk in house, for one very weak brown liquid poured down my gullet (coffee) and a solid thingy I chewed on, which had various flavours and I had to pay for and crumbed up my journal. Aaaah! This process woke me up a little bit.

This is my Andy Warhol hair. I wish to cultivate (or decultivate) my personality to be like him, saying almost nothing, not moving my lips when I talk, parroting interviewers, looking vacant, smart, and sexy-ugly - but only when I appear in the media. With my friends and colleagues I shall be a loud, boisterous person with suitably artsy eccentricities, such as spouting poetry at odd moments, drawing on people at random, doing drugs (chocolate) at every opportunity, and painting cardboard boxes. Care to work in my Factory? I'd make movies of you too, sleeping, cleaning your ears, putting bandaids on your corns, and trying to act all normal. I'm sure you'd be schtars, not that you aren't already.
I don't buy labels for being labels, but I feel great when I snag humongously famous label pieces for less than $10 at the thrift store. I wish Hollister would go away (big label), OR, better yet, that I could duplicate Hollister's brainwashing capabilities as crawly sucking advertising wizard of my own. That's all. (PS I like advertising - without it I wouldn't have discovered Polly Patty, the amazing plastic parrot that chirps back anything you say to it. Act now and get a second one absolutely free.)
- Gap T-shirt (slurp, slurp, slurp), retail, mega-sale, upcycled with my Sharpie and then washed to create very awesome purplish stains everywhere - deliberately. I love that effect.
- flowy pants, thrifted, down-sized many sizes, ELASTIC WAIST disguised as fashionable, hurrah
- platform sandals, thrifted
- gauzy white cotton shirt, from Athens when I went to my friend's wedding there
This is the most breezy cool outfit, especially for my morning outings before it gets hot hot. And, no, I'm not selling these t-shirts, just my own self.
How's your weekend? If I wear this to Patti's on Monday (not sure if I'll post again), I'll be not moving my lips when I talk to the media, trying to look vacant, smart, and sexy-ugly, and perhaps breaking into poetry at odd moments. I'll bring my movie camera. If I post something elsein the meantime, like something drapey for Anne at
Spy Girl, that's a whole 'nother story.
(Ed. note: Yes, I'm linking this up with
Visible Monday. Anne's link is in my next post. See you here, there, everywhere.)