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Thursday 24 July 2014

Vancouver shopping alert!


If you live in Vancouver and you've always wanted a feather boa, Dressew has them on sale for 50% off. What a bargoon. I am ashamed happy to say I bought two.

They have a wide range of styles and colours. The ostrich ones are gorgeous, originally $30, now $15. If Dressew is sadly missing from your shopping repertoire, it is located at 337 W. Hastings St. and it's bursting with fabrics, vintage and new, notions and masks and hats and...

I'm not getting paid for this promo, by the way, merely doing my part at promoting good mental health through boa therapy. Tell the cashier I sent you - she's the guilty party responsible for my purchase of not one but two boas. You won't get an additional discount but maybe a smile.


  1. Smiles are good . . . as are feather boas. Wish I were in Vancouver right now!

  2. Oh, I was hoping for another picture of little you.

    1. Just watched all your videos. I'm still impressed.

    2. Whew! Which reminds me, I need to delete a couple of those videos. I was young and foolish. Okay, well, maybe the latter.

  3. Every wardrobe should have a feather boa or four. Ostrich sounds wonderful.

  4. Boa therapy, for the boa-ld. Wish I were there. xox

  5. What colours?? I have black - a lovely big fluffy one, although I'm sure not ostrich. Beware - they are very hot to wear, and if you wear them across your neck, sometimes the dye sweats off. I have many levels of boa-wearing.

  6. Boas are glorious. I wore a yellow one to my senior prom (my boyfriend wore a ten-gallon hat). I still have it.

  7. This is hilarious! My daughter was just here sewing pillow slipcovers and we were designing and contemplating ideas for a headboard. We came up with, between all the laughs, a plastic white lattice headboard with all sorts of boas weaved in and out of the lattice pattern. And now I know of just the place to buy them!!

  8. D'oh! I was just there on Saturday, but it was after 4:00 when I arrived, and I was on a mission for fabric and, of course, zippers, and you know how all good businesses close at 5:15pm on the dot, LOL. Totally forgot to check out the boas...maybe this Saturday...I may in the vicinity for the big bangs!

  9. Oh, and thanks for the mention of the deal! ANY time you want to give a heads up on anything you think might possibly be of interest, I'd love to hear about it!

  10. Dang! I would have loved one. They are very pricey here...especially for the higher quality ones.


  11. Damn, I could use a good feather boa. Used to have a red one and it disintegrated. Everyone should have at least one feather boa in their closet!

  12. I miss Vancouver! Waaah! Could you wrap it up and post it to me for a day? Are you just trying to make us all heartsick? Meanie! ;-) XO JJ

  13. Bao therapy? I wish! I t would solve many wordly mad issues! Don't you think?
    Too bad i don't live in Vancouver but i saw boas at the $ store, can you imagine?


  14. Now you have planted in my head the idea that my wardrobe lacks A FEATHER BOA. Why of course it does. There is a feather boa shaped hole in my daily dressing options. Hmmm and so far from the half price sale...


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