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Monday 8 May 2017

It doesn't have to make sense, right?

Wearing this outfit was almost a religious experience. I felt grim - and ecstatic. I should be living in a remote cave and not speaking, chanting maybe, and making wine and writing important manuscripts with ornate, colourful first letters beginning each chapter. Here, I look up to the light, the low-energy fluorescent tubes. Artificial redemption.

I kept the hood up the whole time I was out. It's all I could do to go out into the world, let alone gaze upon it or have it gaze upon me. At least the hoodie was architectural and cool.

Below, another face-saving outfit. No, I didn't keep the scarf over my head when I went out, but I really like that the dark brown stripe at first glance looks like a peep hole. Totally unplanned.

I bought the embroidered jacket and top after my last audition as a self-reward for not squeaking or peeing on the director's leg, and those are the 2-in-1 pants I farked from pants I got from Anna (Anna's Island Style). I always think of her with big thanks when I wear them.

I am noticing a theme here!

I've seen some excellent headlines in the news lately- and I'm not talking about frickin' fake news or politics. This is REAL, important news, folks.
  1. "Celebs and their famous body parts"
  2. "Katy Perry spits out Starbucks drink after one sip"
  3. "Kelly Osbourne attacked by sandwich"
  4. "An old sauce packet from McDonald's just sold for $20,000"
Whoa, headline 4 inspires me to clean the kitchen. The car too!! I shall start going on daily treks to the junkyard to root around old cars with scuzzy carpet. I found several squeezie bottles of Kewpie brand mayonnaise more than ten years old at a local store once. No kidding. I should have bought them all and retired!

When I do clean (again, a recurring theme, WTF?!), I often hide things in safe places which means I can never find them again, as I've mentioned before. Not this time. Case in point below.

When O asked me where I put the ladder I knew exactly where it was. "Right next to those hanging fragments of garden hose, under the garage door, behind the gigantic boulders," I said. That garage door (at the top of the photo) is a nuisance. The speed bump is rather excessive.

I always laugh when I walk by this construction site because it reminds me of my own safe cleaning habits. These construction workers are my kind of guys.

"Harry, where the feck did you put the ladder?!"
"How many times I gotta tell ya? It's on the wall where I always hang it."

A corset T-shirt from Shelley (Forest City Fashionista), which I adore. I wear it a lot. And a sequin skirt, thrifted of course. The stripes, the sparkle, the price - I couldn't pass it up; plus, I have plans for farking it.

I would enjoy seeing a movie starring only celebs' famous body parts, nothing else. There would be eyes and bosoms and big lips and booties and pecs and big hair jumping all over the screen and nothing would make sense. Yeah, I'd go see it. It couldn't be worse than some of the other movies out there.

I want a headline too: "Mel spits out her two-day-old instant coffee after one sip." You'd read it, right? Well, sheesh, you're reading this aren't you? Hahaha!

Uh-oh, looks like someone got hungry. (What's gotten into me this week?) At least I wasn't attacked by a sandwich.

I have to say this giant blueberry was certainly a bright spot in all possible ways, a quilted, vintage Escada bomber jacket, verrry big. I found that by snapping it shut wonkily it fit better and added visual interest.

Sandra (@standard.deviations) gave me this mini-beast. She's super good at spotting stuff and I am quite lucky to benefit from her largesse!

I was feeling very James Dean in this next photo for some reason but I think I would feel more at home riding a bicycle with streamers on the handlebars and clothespin clickers on the wheels than I would a Harley. Or a vintage Vespa would be good too. All my body parts would have to ride it, not just my celeb parts, which isn't really an issue because I don't have celeb parts. I'll have to work on that.

I'm glad I'm out of photos, which means I can quit writing all this nonsense. Heh.

Have you got any old food stories you'd care to share? Which celebrity's body part would you like to see starring in a movie? Okay, maybe don't answer that. Hahaha.

I'll link up to Patti again, Visible Monday, Not Dead Yet Style.
I'll also link up to Catherine, #iwillwearwhatilike, Not Dressed as Lamb.


  1. Your idea for a celebrity body-part movie is a for-sure hit! Baby bumps, secret cellulite, plastic surgery "mishaps". You can call on me for the cellulite part, even though I am not a celebrity -- yet! Love your James Dean jacket and your ascetic look, so creative and fabulous. xox


    1. I know. It would be very Dali-esque, that movie. I'll start the crowd-funding right away and call you when I hit my goal. Hmmm. You can pick your part. Hahaha. Thanks, Patti. I really didn't want to go out that day, but I needed milk. Pffft. xox

  2. Oh yes...every time I put something in a "safe place where I'll remember it" I NEVER find it again. Wherever that safe place is it is full of treasures and pots of gold.

    I think your outfits show off your moods here and I'm sure it all has something to do with the weather.

    I cannot wait to see how you fark up that sequinned skirt.

    I need to try out that scarf over the face trick. Takes wearing the head scarf to a whole new level. Plus I'd never have to wear makeup again.

    I'm sure there is some very old condiments in my fridge somewhere. I might buy something for a recipe and then never use it again.


    1. I'm sure my safe places are full of weird drawing on napkins and acorns and stones from the beach.

      Whatever gave you the idea it has to do with the weather? Hahaha!!!

      I was getting tired of seeing my face and I liked the scarf hiding it. It would have fallen off if I got in the elevator like that. What a pity.

      Who would pay $20,000 for ancient McDonald's condiments? This is a mystery of the universe.

  3. I love your edgy monastic outfit (artificial redemption, ha!), and you know that I love your embroidered jacket and those revamped pants (I think that you inspired me to revamp pants: you're my master now!). And that striped skirt looks amazing, and the big blue jacket!, woaaa!
    When I've read about celebrity's body parts, I thought it would be a problem to store them, probably in your fridge, to keep them fresh as recently picked. Sometimes my use of english is kinda creepy!!

    1. I can never be your revamp master. You are the guru! I like your English and you are so right. The problem is that my idea is creepy. Hahaha. I think a fridge would be best. xox

  4. Blue Escada bomber---nice!!!!!

    1. I know! I got light-headed when she showed me. xox

  5. hmm, maybe it's an art installation?

    1. Weirdest construction site. The ladder, just hanging there. ???!!! And it's a huuuge pit so the ladder must be really big. It's one of life's mysteries. But I like it. xox

  6. You rule! I totally understand the "almost religious" experience of certain garments/outfits. Is that when our subconscious, true essence comes to the top? I don't know but I love it. You had me at "hood up."

    1. I loved the feeling of concealment I experienced with the hood and the sense of freedom that gave me. I know why stores don't like them though. Who could tell that's me in there? Thanks, Anita. xox

  7. I'm pretty convinced you can wear anything and SAY anything and get away with it. Love that free spirit thing you have going, but all kidding aside, that last photo was really beautiful (sorry) but it was! Your blue eyes really popped--as gorgeous as any of those celebrity pics.

    1. I'm glad to hear I can get away with it; otherwise, I'd be worried as this was one of those fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants posts. Thanks for your generous compliment. xox

  8. Mel - looking fab as always in every outfit!

    Your miniature ladders reminded me of the craze for 'Fairy doors'. Little miniature doors placed at the base of a tree trunk or a wall so that it looks like the entrance to a very small person (a fairy?) or animal's home. In fact there was an Irish company doing a roaring trade selling them. I can only think of all the disappointed children out there who tried to open the fairy door and found Sweet Fanny Adams...


    1. I love the image of little doors on the base of a tree. That is EXCELLENT. How I wish I had found one as a kid. You should see this pit. It's huuuuge. I can't figure out why the ladder is there, nor the meaning of the "garage door." There could be a secret room behind it. Or the second home of Sweet Fanny Adams. Heh. Thanks, Veronica. xox

  9. I'm forever putting things away to keep them safe. Hope to goodness someone will think of what to do with them when they clear my house out as they send me off to the old folks home.
    That bomber jacket is the bizz! James Dean, yes - totally gorgeous.

    Anna x

    1. We are like little squirrels, busy busy hiding our precious things which we forget about. I love that jacket. It was overwhelming until I figured out how to wear it. Thanks, Anna. xox

  10. I feel vibrant,exciting young reading your blog.Thank you

    1. THAT is the best comment. Thank you!! xox

  11. You had me at Artificial Redemption. And then you showed what seemed like the tiniest ladder ever and I spent a good half hour trying to determine how they get down into that pit and how completely unsatisfactory it must be to try to get out of it if all they have is that ladder and a few pieces of hose.

    I love seeing the world through your eyes. It opens my own to seeing things in new ways--and to peeking over construction fences to check out their tiny ladders and bits of hose.

    I should look around and see if I've got some old Milk Duds lying around somewhere. We can either sell them for millions or eat them while spitting out coffee and watching the movie with just celebrity body parts.

    All this to say how much I enjoy your writing as much as the photos that inspire it. :)

    - Sherry

    1. That jumble on the right side of the pit is a network of scaffolding and other ladders. They need little cottages down there so the workers can take breaks in comfort.

      Hahaha, I would love to join you for MOVIE NIGHT!!! That would be a blast. We could compare how gross our Milk Duds are. Hopefully there would be a few dried up gummy bears in there too. Hahaha.

      If I inspire you, I feel FANTASTIC! Thanks, Sherry. xox

  12. I like all of these outfits, especially that corset tee and sequined skirt. But that satin blue bomber jacket is...the bomb! I love love love it. You are so goofy - I have to giggle when I read your posts!

    1. Giggling is good, Sheila - I'm just trying to reciprocate. Heh. I thought you'd like that T-shirt especially. It's so cool. Shelley knows me. xox

  13. Were you born cool? I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see your outfits, just generally you at home in the world.


    1. Well, sometimes I wonder if I'm from this world at all. But I try to make sense of it. Thanks, Colleen. PS - NOT born cool. Hahaha.

  14. I am all for the corset/sequin outfit... gorgeous. And the James Dean outfit. Amazin how you are conveying exactly that vibe.
    Parts of people? In a movie? No thank you.
    Losing things as in "I am not a squirrel but still I have forgotten where I left it? " ... that's me. Ron always says: "It is next to your contact lenses container" as I keep misplacing that too. Doesn't matter how large the missing object is. It is next to my contact lenses haha. Remember I lost my credit and debet card in London? Found them again 11 days later in a business card folder. Of course by that time I already had new ones.

    1. Ron's answer cracks me up. O usually finds my squirrelled items. He knows me well. Maybe you should lose your old (empty) handbag so you can go get a new one. Hahaha! Or your shoes... Hahaha. Guess it might not work like that? Thanks, Greetje.xo

    2. No it doesn't work like that. Besides, I would have to pay for a new bag or new shoes myself anyway. So why "lose" the old ones?

  15. Every outfit is so stylish and captivating. The black hoodie is beyond fabulous and the "giant blueberry" ever so edgy. Only you could make it appear as though it and you should be on a magazine cover.

    In response to your kind message on Style Crone, I am very eager to meet you. Thinking about Vancouver in 2018!!!

    1. YEAAAAH. Vancouver in 2018 - that would be AWESOME. I would love to hang out with you. I'll have to find all the coolest hat shops in the city. I already know a couple. But the best thing would be just to sip a beverage and talk and talk face to face. xo

  16. I am adoring your bright blue bomber and ignoring a craving for blueberry crumble.The shot on the stair well is magical. The corset tee and sequins are a fabulous pair, can't wait to see them again in the next iteration.
    Crazy news, yes indeed one could not make this up...even you... or maybe you could!
    Cheers !!!

    1. Blueberry crumble - oh, yes. Now that's all I'm going to be thinking about for a while. This blue is really more of the blueberry candy, but that would do too. I know, these headlines, whaaa...? Seriously? Hahaha - or cry my eyes out. Thanks, Elle. xo

  17. I agree with David above.
    You look like Death in Bergman's film...or was it Woody Allen's? When they played tennis with Death...or was it chess? Or the Night Stalker. Or a cold war spy.
    And James Dean...pitter patter. I'm all a flutter. So many archetypes in one post.

    1. I was feeling monkish in this, but I searched the net looking for the scene of Death playing tennis and couldn't find it. Bergman's Seventh Seal has the chess/Grim Reaper image though. The one I'm thinking of was comic, more Woody. But I love the comparison. I was feeling monkish in this outfit. Funny how the monk/Grim Reaper imagery is so connected. Thanks, Pao, for this thought.


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