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Monday 9 October 2017

From the boudoir to faux France

From the boudoir to the garden with huge honkin' plants. The leaves seem to embrace me, clearly unable to resist my vintage neon hot-pink robe by "Rhapsody of California made by Glazier," a phrase which must be said aloud with a haughty drawl each time I don this luxurious furry confection. I also memorably worn my Rhapsody when Shelley came to town in May 2016, post is here

"I am One with the Big Leaves" Photo by @vancouverbarbara

Now and with Shelley I was surrounded by big green vegetation wearing the Rhapsody. Are there strange forces at work with this robe - beyond its general fabulousness - that I don't know about?! Could this robe be opening some warped telepathic channel to our Jurassic herbal past!? Now I'm afraid to say the label name backwards. Who knows what would happen?

Shelley (Forest City Fashionista) and I goof around while feeling fabulous

The blouse is a chartreuse-y colour, very silky, with huge gathered sleeves, of course not visible here because they were smooshed in my robe. And I wore this awesome stretch floral maxi skirt and super-soft stretch leather booties, both from My Sister's Closet at one time or another.

But oh no! Do you see it? The huge honkin' camel nose? What are the odds? Giant leaves. Giant camel nose. And camel without the "ca" spells mel. Gaaaa!

Not only that, the nose's brand is - dah-dah-dummm - "totem." Is my spirit animal a camel nose? A Jurassic camel nose? Whoa, things are getting out of hand here.

In its undercover life, this is a mere courier bag. The long body strap is an upcycled seat belt, and the short handle on the flap is also seat-belt strapping. My laptop fits perfectly in there. Clever, right? Nothing suspicious there.

Of course I wore my magic loupe, which O made me. I never leave home without it. If you want to get louped like me, use the link in my sidebar to go to his Etsy store, OSK Micro-art Studio. His cool rings are there too.

You may now be asking yourselves, who let Mel into the peyote? Don't worry, I sobered up real quick when I...

...put on a little faux-French, which also required flattening my hair. This dress might be considered dour, drab, matronly or simply gross if it weren't for its extreme boxiness, which elevates it to the level of haute couture faux-French. Boxiness is a sure sign of $$$.

The dress came from My Sister's Closet. The bottom skirt half, with a single knife pleat on one side, a pocket on the other, and five gold buttons, is picky wool, and the top half is another kind of wool, yes, also itchy, but that's part of the iron discipline one may require to wear haute faux-French, n'est-ce pas?

I think this dress was made from two vintage pieces sewn together. There are no labels or notions, except for the buttons, to research. I bought another very similar dress a few months before this one. The top half looks hand-knit, black wool, and the bottom half is dove-grey Crimplene. Dreamy. But I think I'll upcycle it into a coat. I'll show you later.

I carried my toolbox hand bag, swiped from O after he removed the height gauge, opaque black tights, narrow men's pointy shoes in taupe/brown - they are much pointier than the picture above suggests. And I took my teacup carrier made from a wooden matryoshka. The sunglasses are Lagerfeld, darling, a gift.

That's all for this week. Not much to say. I am preoccupied. I'll tell you about what after Thursday, which is when I'll put up my next post.

I'm going to link up with Patti at Not Dead Yet Style, Visible Monday, and Catherine at Not Dressed as Lamb, #iwillwearwhatilike.

See youse guys later!! Get back to work!! Heh.


  1. love that Rhapsody pinkiness (and furriness) and all the beautiful colors around you, there must to be something very appealing in them which attract big leaves to embrace your pink fabulousness!
    I'm also loving that (itchy) dress, such an amazing shape and constrasting textures!! love that you flattened your hair and posed with a high brow, that's attitude! mwahaha! Love your cute teacup carrier, so cool! and those pointy shoes!

    1. I think that's it - that the pink attracts the green. The vibrations cancel out into a state of pure bliss. Heh.
      High brow, heh. I was willing to completely overlook the itch for the box factor. This is dreamy. xox

  2. I love the idea of the Camel as your Totem animal. Oh wait, he doesn't need a drink for two months, scratch that. You're looking beyond gorgeous, as per always - your maybe-two-piece vintage dress is perfection. xox


    1. Yes, camel as totem. Have you read about camels? I just did. Fascinating. Their mating rituals are very interesting. But I wilt in heat and the no-drinking thing, nunh. The dress is hideous beauty, it won't leave me alone. xox

  3. Omg r u claiming the camel as one aspect of your personality----sooooooo into it!! I'm a tortoise and a hare!!!!!!! Alpha-Omega :D
    I want to rub that pink robe up & down!!!!!!

    1. Not sure if I'm a camel. It would be like saying I'm a cow. Lots of good qualities though. The pink robe is udderly touchable. (Heh.)

  4. It looks as if somebody else has been farking...

    Fabulous outfits as always. I like your hair flattened - it's not everyone who can wear flattened hair you know!


    1. Well, I think somebody definitely farked this dress into existence. And I farked the robe ties onto there and the carrier. But there needs to be more farking in my life. Thanks Veronica! Flattened hair is a thing, heh. xox

  5. I love the camel nose (it's better than camel-toe, fer shurr). You look amazing - so much farking goodness comes through my screen. I'm considering farking another pair of Fluevogs - gak! I'm terrified, excited and brash about it, all at the same time. I would live in that pink robe.

    1. Yeah, fer shurr! Oh, farking Fluevogs would be a joy. Their structure alone would mean you can't possible go wrong. Good luck! xox

  6. In the last couple of weeks, I was in a store and walked by a fuzzy rose-colored robe with silver collar and trim all the way down the front, and I was drawn to it but couldn't figure out how I could wear it out, but you have given me something to think about with the skirt and top! I am a firm believer that outerwear should be fun, so thank you for the inspiration!

    1. Hi! I figure a robe is just a big coat. This one has a bit of heft so I can wear it when it's a bit cool outside, which I love. I hope you grab the robe next time you see one! xox

  7. After having had a most disastrous haircut this week I'm ready to travel for many hours to get the artist treatment like you! It looks equally great both ways. The robe is a winner. Love it with the neon colours!

    1. Disaster haircuts are the worst! Good luck in your recovery. I use got2b hair product to shape my hair and it can make the worst hair-dry look a bit better. xox

  8. Nowhere else in the blogsphere can there be inspiration like this; you're the best style chameleon! I adore the pink fluffy robe.

    Anna x

    1. Thanks, Anna. My moods are mysterious. xox

  9. I long to be the blogger you are ;-) Visiting from Visible Mondays. Mimi

    1. Mimi, you seem to be doing great in your own way! Thanks for visiting. xox

  10. The way your mind works and wanders, as in the punk robe bit of this post, is very funny and creative. It just shoots from left to right, from corners to space. Great brain Mel.
    Of couse the French outfit is my taste. As usual you styled it very well. Love the bags wth it. And a pair of Lagerfeld glasses.. wooh, fancy. The way you wrote it “The sunglasses are Lagerfeld, darling, a gift.”, immediately took me to the Absolutely Fabulous series.

    1. I like my brain, Greetje, usually. And I adore Absolutely Fabulous!! Saunders is a comic genius in her writing, and in her acting. The whole cast is wonderful. Thanks for that reference. xox

  11. You are like a poppy in full bloom in that robe with happy spring green stems to boot. Every woman should have a fuzzy wuzzy robe at some point in life. It's primal to be wrapped in fuzz, maybe even womb like without the polyester.
    The transition to French cuteness was abrupt but I always like your stairway shots for some reason. Oh my, I see that you wore the robe on the stairway as well! That stairwell gets to see so many versions of you . Lucky stairwell. Love, Jude

    1. Sometimes I feel like a puppy wagging its tail so hard it falls over, then gets up and does it again. Hahaha!! The proximity of the stairs is what drew me to them, but now I just love them for their hard greyness and the steps. Anything can look better against that. xox

  12. I think the robe secretly knows how amazing hot pink looks paired with green, and deliberately manipulates the wearer into choosing the leafy backgrounds. I remember our photo shoot so well, can't wait to do another.

    You are brilliant at adopting a specific character for specific outfits, which means that items of clothing that most of us could never carry off, look amazing on you. I am in awe of this ability ;)

    1. You are definitely right, and in fact, you are the one that started the trend when we took photos at the art installation in Vancouer. Me too, can't wait for another.
      Yes, my clothes that extra dimension to the part of myself I happen to be channelling that day, as changeable as the weather. xox

  13. Oooh, I am LOOOOOOVING both looks! Esp the second one- You look like you are having such fun in your photo shoots!!! xx

    1. Hi Kezzie, I am getting more comfortable taking my own photos and I can experiment a bit more. Thanks for this comment. xox


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