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Thursday 21 June 2012

My bloomin' floral dress

Summer is here! Really - today is the first day that I could go on my inspiration walk without a jacket or cardigan, although tights are still comfortable at 18C (64.4F). I wore this cheongsam-style light cotton dress on May 25 and posted the sketch here. Today I opted for my dove-blue tights instead of the mustard tights in the sketch. I also think my black beret would have grounded this look better, but I didn't care - I was craving bright red on my head. I also like the analogous smack-down between the red beret and the pink top.

Details of the outfit:
  • cheongsam-style cotton dress, Wildlife Thrift Store
  • Dorothy shoes, Hush Puppies, Value Village
  • dove-blue tights, sample sale
  • red beret, Community Thrift Store
  • pink top, sample sale
And below is what I wore to my artist talk at Baron Gallery last Saturday, minus the vest and the ankle boots, taken from my post of January 27. The day was rainy so I changed into my thrifted Dolce and Gabanna leopard-print shoes when I got indoors. While the severe pencil skirt and Grushenka, my magic wand, projected the image of a strict school teacher, my voice was much too twee to pull off that persona. Maybe next time, July 8...

My action painting workshop is on Saturday and I am fluttering around to prepare, so this is my last post till next week. See you soon!


  1. Such a colourful outfit - perfect for you Miss Melanie! And I love the school teacher outfit too. You know how to wear a tie.

  2. The cheongsam dress is fabulous - the blue tights are such a perfect colour.

    I love the androgynous look you're doing in the second outfit! What a super outfit.

  3. I would purchase a painting from an artist in the second look!

  4. Bright and Brainy. Love both looks!

  5. Smack-down indeed! Brilliant with all the other elements!! I have to believe that your "much too twee" voice was utterly captivating as you gesticulated with Grushenka in your shirt and tie.

    Have a wonderful workshop. See you next week!

  6. Super look!! I wish I could wear colored tights everyday of the summer but they do get too hot. The dove color of your tights here is so different and rich. I tend to be too matchy matchy but am learning through these blogs to throw in the unexpected, making it so much more interesting.

    I remember when I first found your blog. It was in the winter sometime and I saw you in something like your lecture ensemble. It's your Rich Vintage Traveler chic!

  7. Both outfits utterly appropriate. Love the red beret.

  8. You are an explosion of colour on my computer screen! I love that first frock with the dove blue tights and the pink sleeves. I've got to go dig out tights this morning, it's blinking freezing here!
    Love your strict schoolmarm apparel, your twinkly eyes give away the fact you're a whole bunch of fun. xxx

  9. I love you in floral so much, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  10. El look floral me ha encantado, la boina las he visto en París, verás su foto, besos ana.

  11. oooh action painting! I love the pinks and reds with the dove blue, how delicate, complete opposite to the other outfit, which I also loved. Let us know how the painting goes and you didn't mention how the talk went down, very well I'm sure xxxx

  12. Oh "pow" the floral dress is such a fabulous burst of summer!!!! Love it.
    One should never not wear a red beret when the head asks, perfect with pink.
    The amazing pencil skirt and tie outfit is just what a" talk "needs, approved with a big tick and smiley face stamp.
    I hope you have the most splendid weekend.
    Squirrel hugs
    Love v

  13. Yeah, I'm still in tights too! The floral frock is gorgeous, I love that the print is a little different from most cheongsam dresses. And the red beret is perfect, I think the black would have been too severe for such a bright, colourful look.
    I love your serious school ma'am look too, especially imagining it with the cheeky leopard print shoes! You look like you mean business and talk sense! Good luck with your workshop - I am sure you will be brilliant! Looking forward to hearing all about it. xxxx

  14. I love mixing red and pink and do it as much as I can, to the shock and horror of a lot of people. I am happy to have found another kindred spirit in the love of pink and red together!

    Have fun with your workshop, looking forward to hearing more about it!

  15. That wildlife store has great stuff. The cheongsam is fabulous, and it looks great with the tee underneath.

  16. You've got a great face for berets!

  17. I love the red beret with the colors that you're wearing in the first photo. An announcement that summer is here with a burst of radiance. I would have loved to be at your artist talk, to hear your words of wisdom and also to see you in the pencil skirt with tie. And 'action painting' sounds so interesting to me. But then any topic that you explore would captivate us all.

  18. Sorry for being so late with my comment! Usually I would prefer the colourful look to the school teacher's grey, black and white - but I really like this second outfit, especially the tie - very nice!

  19. It's been very summer-like weather here, with temperatures in the high 20's so no tights or long sleeves required. I love the cheery print of that dress,and how you've balanced it with the solid colours around it.
    I hope your "Action Painting Workshop" was a success!

  20. Love the color combination in your floral ensemble. Second outfit is perfectly academic chic.

  21. What a contrast both of these outfits yet I equally love them both- YOU are twee but in a good way I think.

  22. You look gorgeous in both of these looks! Now I want to put on pink! :-)

  23. I don't think I'll manage to wear a summer dress minus tights this year. However, when they're as lovely as your dove blue ones, it's not a trial. Great contrast of completely different looks here, although threaded together by berets. Hope your 'action painting' workshop was active and inspiring.

  24. I love when you layer solids under things like this amazing dress. The look really suits you.

  25. love it like always do.. I can wish you a great painting workshop but a realize that is over...

  26. I am so inspired by your berets! They look adorable. I am particularly impressed with the vest/tie/pinstripe skirt combo. I love the blurring of gender lines. It looks so sassy! :o)


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