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Sunday 23 November 2014

Who is that masked woman?!

Mask up, my friends!! 
If only one single, solitary post in Bag and a Beret 
were to go viral (hehe), 
I would hope it's this one.

10 Reasons to Wear a Face Mask When You Feel Like Crap
  1. Wearing a mask conceals a red chapped nose.
  2. Wearing a mask provides a shield you can hide behind when you're not feeling your best, like a little face blankie.
  3. Wearing a mask means you don't have to bother with makeup on the bottom half of your face. Men, you don't have to shave.
  4. Wearing a mask can be stylish, sort of, if you customize it (see below).
  5. Wearing a mask masks bad breath so you can eat lots of super-stinky food without worry.
  6. Wearing a mask will help keep your hands away from your nose and mouth, which may reduce the spread of germs on surfaces like doorknobs and stair rails. 
  7. Wearing a mask will free your hands up for other vital tasks such as playing with the remote control or pushing the button for room service or (if you're really sick) blogging.
  8. Wearing a mask will reduce your exposure to new germy airborne bits that might make your condition even more miserable.
  9. Wearing a mask warns others that you are not feeling your best so please be gentle and don't be surprised if you bite their heads off or fall asleep at your desk if that's not something you normally do.
  10. Wearing a mask is cool - it shows you care about the people around you. 
I'm hooking up to Patti's Visible Monday at Not Dead Yet Style because a mask is pretty visible. I've worn all these clothes this week except the mask because I don't, touch wood, have a cold at the moment. See you there. I don't mind at all if you want to swipe the sidebar image.

Also, thank you, Sally of Already Pretty, for the mention in your Lovely Links on Friday. It's a great honour to be included in your eclectic lineup, which also includes a very funny video of west coasters eating Minnesotan food.

[Edit] Aha, I knew I was forgetting something - Sacramento's Share-in-Style: Black and White at Mis Papelicos. And this time I almost fit the theme.

Below explains in part why I put up this post: 
[I posted this then took it down and now I'm posting it again, only because I can.]
Hack hack hack. The whole café seemed to peek and wince at Ms. Hacker every time she coughed with violence, except her friend who was oblivious to the direct wet hits on her face. When I realized with mild alarm that I was seated directly downwind and there were no more free tables indoors, I gathered up my coffee and journal with exaggerated calm, like a child in a school fire drill, and relocated to the patio, no big deal – it was only about 5C (41F), and although my coffee was no longer hot, if I sketched faster than usual with grand flourishes the exertions might help keep me warm.

I had just settled in when Ms. Hacker and her friend stumbled outside too. As they brushed past my table, she sniffled and smiled at me. I smiled back – I knew she was suffering. She had a kind face. And then she coughed straight into my naked eyes with gale force. I felt the rush of wind and light spray, which is lovely at the seaside but not as foul weather from her infectious phlegmy inner shores. She didn't even blink; I did, furiously.


  1. I like it! Yes mask wearing is not yet commonplace here. I've seen a bit of it at the hospital.. Have been warned Stan has low immunity, so maybe I should get a mask wearing post together.
    Loving the faces drawn on. They should produce funky patterned ones that get the kids excited.

  2. My dearest friend, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    so much fun and wonderful insporation.
    Do join Share-in-Style, we need you

  3. I hardly believe you can look like crap honestly. With that mask on you look daunting though:-) I will try this trick ;.)
    Happy #bloggersharingstyle hun!
    Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi

  4. I hope you feel better soon. The decorated masks are great, though - I knew you wouldn't leave them plain!

  5. you're so brilliant and absolutely funny!! and extremously Cool showing your masked identity like a fashionist superhero!!!

  6. I often wish mask wearing was more acceptable....I hate nothing more than people coughing and sneezing and spewing forth their germs when they're sick. I wear a mask when we travel on a plane as I'm rather paranoid about catching germs when I already have so many of my own. So hooray for masks....lets make them fashionable! Xx

  7. Love it - it's like a hat for the front of your head! No more bad face days. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, you're fabulous.xox

  8. Hi Melanie!

    How are you doing
    TG for your crazy sense of humor
    Now you make me wonder, should i wear a mask...


  9. Ha ha! LOVE this : )


  10. I would love seeing this walking down the street, although the first picture scares me just a little bit. The humor you inject in the mundane is a gift to be cherished. I imagine an afternoon spent with you to be quite the artventure!

  11. That last one made me laugh out loud. Best thing ever for a bad face day. Maybe a new sideline? xxx

  12. Domo arigato!!! I love this. Especially the Ruby Red Lips. Why stop at the lower face. I'm looking for a full-body mask. And thanks for the link to Already Pretty. You are a wealth of information and completely germ free!

  13. I can see a line of MIZZ BAGG masks in your future, and it will soon be all the rage to wear one - look FAB and stay healthy!!

    You never fail to make me laugh and marvel at your creative mind. XO

  14. Number ll: Wearing a mask means your mouth is covered and you won't eat so much!

  15. Ha, what hilarious masks! In fact, since I have never, ever seen anyone wearing a face mask, I assumed the whole thing was a piss take, then I caught on that some people actually DO wear them, for realsies... Whoops. xxx

  16. You are so funny! I wish this would go viral!
    Japanese people were wearing masks in Croatia this summer- one of them laughed at me when I accidently aLmost knocked myself out on a low stone ceiling!x

  17. Is it the Lone Ranger? No, Zorro? I give. Think of the possibilities. Do they come in plaid?

  18. You are too cool.I would love to hang out with you for an afternoon....

  19. I understand this need to decorate any blank piece of paper, especially if it's supposed to be hung somewhere, and doubly-especially if it's intended to hang on your face! (Funny how the "blank page" can be so intimidating ... some have the gene drives us to fill that space, I think!)
    Certainly a style statement ... and you can add that it "brings out your eyes!"
    Stay well, kid. Snot slings a loooonnnngggg way!

  20. you are so unique!!!
    It's always so great to stop by and have a look into your world!!!
    creative, different anf playful!!!
    just what I need

  21. Aaaack!! Ms. Hacker should be sent to finishing school because they obviously didn't finish teaching her manners! You poor thing. My sister works with small children who sneeze in her face, but Ms. Hacker has no excuse. Bitch.

    Anyway, I love your masks! You always make the best of a bad situation. And what a great new trend, especially if you were to sell your original artwork-masks. I'd like to wear one so that I also don't have to shave.

  22. This woman has the best sens of humor on the world ! :***

  23. Oh, I tend to hold my breath until I'm out of germ distance, whenever someone begins to cough, especially when they don't have the courtesy to put their hand in front of their face. I really could use a mask! Yours all made me snort with laughter!

    I think there's a saying that goes something like...

    Coughs and sneezes, spread diseases, put them in your handkerchief!

  24. Hello again, please don´t forget to vote tomorrow for your favourite look tomorrow ( Rosy and I are not included in the voting. This is all about you all)
    Tons of kisses

  25. I love your customized masks! When we were in Hong Kong we often saw people in masks and were told it's become a politeness when one is ill to avoid spreading germs. I think we might all benefit from this custom.

  26. Gah! Ms Hacker, cover your mouth please! see, these masks are important, Ms Hacker should have to stapled to her face ha! I like 'icognito' but am in love with 'lips', I'd like one for those pre-facial wax days x x x

  27. Hi Melanie,

    Read your comment sweet crazy friend tks...
    I have found a blogger i wonder if you know her - I love the style let me know what you think...


  28. I know a Malaysian man who holds his hand in front of his mouth if he is eating and talking to you. So polite!
    This reminds me of fans. Maybe women used fans to stop spread of germs...if they knew about germs back then...hmmm. We could reinstate them! Love this post, esp. The drawn on faces! I had a socket drawn on the back of my neck by Mr Artist yesterday. Supposedly to plug in. Closed on the front, and open on the back :-D xo JJ

  29. 11 - wearing a mask creates intrigue (especially with a fedora)
    12 - wearing a a mask focuses all the attention on the eyes (style statement darlinks, style statement).

  30. I anyone could make masks a trend, it would be you! I especially like your mask with hat. Together they provide maximal protection.

  31. What a horrible story, what an ill-brought up woman that Mrs Hacker. Brrrrr
    Love your masks though .. You funny woman.

  32. Wearing a mask is cool! You look a-mahze.

  33. I love masks, and this one is no exception. Wearing a mask is cool. I've recently got quite into the art of disguise so I'm glad to see I'm not alone in my quest to make masks acceptable daywear.X


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