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Thursday 26 April 2012

Coming out of the clochet

Today I did something different. Usually I grab things in my closet pell-mell to create an ensemble that reflects an overall mood, giving equal weight to all parts. Today I chose a signature piece, an accessory, which singlehandedly seemed to embody everything I was feeling, and then constructed my outfit around it. I'm speaking here of my felt cloche with the flower. Poor little thing was buried in the closet.

This one little hat said it all: I wanted to partially shield myself during my walk (still in recovery mode) and I wanted to feel romantically 1920s. The colour palette is quiet, but my cloche demanded it be so. The jacket has convenient velcro tabs for closures on the front and the shift has a freighter neck, much wider than a boat neck, which is concealed by the jacket.

Details of the outfit:
  • cloche, new decades ago from Sears(?)
  • shimmery green jacket, thrifted, Value Village
  • moss-grey shift, new years ago from Eatons closing-out sale, downsized 4 sizes
  • black tights, "Frump" shoes, The Bay
  • magic teacup carrier with heirloom teacup inside; I made the carrier, O did the hardware
  • hand-me-over black vinyl bag that holds all my pencil crayons, sketchbooks, etc.
  • Shar Pei wool sweater

I'm still recovering but managed a brief, low-intensity game of squash today. It felt good to MOVE!

And finally - 
Ms. Helga recently posted a brilliant photo essay of her drunken escapades under a tree. I immediately thought of this painting I did, although Helga was much more visually exciting than the waitress in this piece.

Title: "Becky had had trouble sleeping lately; she finally realized that it wasn't the coffee keeping her awake but something much more sinister." Acrylic on canvas paper, 18" x 24"

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Oh dear, your painting made me chuckle! I love the edward hopper vibe...which your cloche nearly captures too. And did I read correctly that the shoes and the tights are one?

    1. That would be too cool if the shoes and tights were one! No, I just bought both of these pieces at The Bay - I think...I can't remember, it was a long time ago, or maybe last week, or...hmm.

  2. You paintings are wonderful! You should do a separate page of them!

  3. Your street style blog is sooo awesome! did you do all of these and do you do it regularly? I'd love to do a street style blog!!!

    1. Thanks for your comments, Reva! I do the style-eye thing every day, so my camera has become an appendage. Some days, especially in the winter, I come home empty-handed, and during this cold I have missed a couple of days, but scouting is a routine I love.

  4. I love your art! I want to see more! Actually very tempted to paint Helga's legs now. You really suit 20s clothes!

  5. I love this outfit so much :)

    The painting is great, it reminded me of Hopper!

    1. Thanks. Cafes at night - gotta loooove Hopper!

  6. Well, whatever she did to that server it looks like she's not getting anymore coffee! I hope this is not an example of what keeps me up some nights.
    There you are in that "vintage traveler" look again. Love it! I've found some great hats at Fred Meyer of all places. Kind of like a Sears except with food. Happy Weekend to you!

    1. Happy weekend to you too, Joni. I love you new blog. I wore that hat regularly a couple of winters ago.

  7. I'm caught up imagining Terri's shoes-and-tights-in-one piece . . . but also admire your cloche which must be feeling very pleased that you've made all the other elements in your outfit complement it.
    Love the reds in that painting -- they really amp up the humour for me.

    1. I loved that concept of Terri's too. How handy! Have a great weekend!

  8. Love the cloche! And didn't Eatons have some great deals when they closed? (sigh, I do miss them)

    Your painting is fabulous - the colours suggest underwater/subconscious to me.

    1. I was sad when Eatons closed, but, yes, there were some great deals when they did! And now the Sears is going too. What do you think is next for Pacific Centre Mall? I've heard rumours of a Nordstroms...

  9. Chic little French girl. A teacup carrier? Really!?! Magical indeed!!!
    Love your painting. More, please.

    1. Oh, I like the French reference - I didn't see it. I was thinking secretary at a NY talent agency, although I'm a bit subdued for that.

  10. I agree, more paintings!

    I'm fascinated by the teacup carrier.

    Love the 1920s feel of this outfit. I'd kill to look cute in a cloche hat :)

    1. Oh my carrier is my leetle fren - I say that like Pacino in Scarface. Sometimes cloches swallow me whole, sometimes I like that.

  11. Hi Mélanie!

    Very classic outfit! you know what? again i would have add a bit more color in your outfit, the cloche is not that extravagant, i would have mixed in red accents...but you look sensational Mélanie, this classic look is magnifique for you! or i would have done a total 20's look, why not! I am dying to find a cloche! i have this 20's inspired dress sitting in my closet...
    As for Helga, yes i have seen it, hilarious and love the painting, very good -

    Have a good weekend Mélanie-

    Ariane xxxx

    1. Your idea of red is perfect, and I eyed my red shoes suspiciously before stepping out, but my hat said, Non! I don't know why... Normally, yes, red all the way. I'll have to dig around my closet to put together a total 20s look like you suggested. That would be fun. I'd love to see your take on the '20s!!

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks, Lydia. It seems to have a vibe in line with those incredible dolls you make!

  13. The magic tea cup carrier needs its own post (or have you done one? I'll check your archive.)
    It IS a quiet palette but you look elegant and classic and the hat is fabulous.
    Ah, Helga and her drunken shenanigans... Where would we be without her? I adore your painting. What DID happen to poor Becky Red Shoes?
    Have a lovely weekend, my friend. xxxxxx

    1. Have a great weekend over there too, Curtise. Have a few belts of tea straight up in your garden for me.

  14. That painting & your outfit is wonderful. You are definitely an inspiration. Obsessing over this title. ;)


    Luis (my blog!)

    1. This said by the man in citrus and studs? I'm flattered! "More, more," she laughed.

  15. The cloche as inspiration took you to a magic teacup carrier! What a great accessory and a new one for me. I will have to be on the lookout. And your eyes leap out from under the cloche In a wonderfully mysterious manner.

    Your painting and Helga are both brilliant!

    1. Hats are such a part of you and I'm hoping that I can find some pieces even half as intriguing as the ones you have. I hope you have a great weekend.

  16. You look so innocent! Who would guess that underneath that adorable cloche lurks a subversive sense of humor!

    Love the outfit, love the painting!!!!

    1. I'm glad you like the outfit and the painting. I was the child that had a little curl in the middle of her forehead - do you know that rhyme?

  17. The clochet is perfect!!!
    Tee hee Miss Helga is a star.
    Love the painting, you are such a clever lady.
    Love v

    1. If I hadn't painted that piece already, I'm sure I would have after seeing Helga under the tree!

  18. You've created another mini-fashion play with that outfit--you suit that style of hat perfectly, and in that second photo, with your lovely expressive eyes, you look like a flapper from a 20's film. There's a hint of Louise Brooks in your winsome expression.

    1. Wow, to have a hint of Louise Brooks makes my day. (I like to be winsome, as opposed to losesome - bwa-ha-ha. Sorry - couldn't help myself.)

  19. Oh I LOVE the Becky painting, there's so much mystery in it. It raises questions like - if Becky belongs to the legs, why is lying down really? Or if Becky is the customer, how is she reacting to a fallen-down waitress? Now THAT'S art!! The great thing about getting older is that we have these amazing treasures we bought decades ago that we get to re-discover! xoxox

    1. I love crypticality, not a word I know but it expresses what I mean. I'm so glad you like Becky's world!

  20. That crochet hat is pure art when you wear it.
    Love the picture and the thought of Helga.
    Have a lovely Sunday.

    1. Thank you, Sacramento! Have a wonderful week!

  21. YES!!! It did give me the early morning slighlty hysterical giggles!!! (7:19am here as I write) "something slightly more sinister...." I love that thought!!! The red Dorothy shoes lying there are brillant and EXACTLY what I was feeling that night....thanks for the thought!!!
    On other matters,the clothe is gorgeous;I've always fancied one!You wear it perfectly with those spectacular eyes of yours!!!
    I used to play squash,and loved it!Until I fell over (I get quite aggressive,surprise)one too many times and slipped a disc.It's a bloody good game!XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    1. Oh, a fellow (albeit former) squasher!? I'm sorry to hear about the slipped disc. Ouch! But oh my, it is immensely satisfying to thwack that annoyingly slow ball with all one's strength as loudly as possible. When I play I like to channel great women of history, which helps my game, but lately I've been channelling fellow bloggers with equally satisfying results.

      Again, your photo spread was truly inspired!!

  22. If it weren't for the sheet of plastic behind you, the second image would somehow look almost 20s period-perfect. You definitely have a 'hat head' in that you look great in hats.
    Your painting is great, with a dark humour that invites lots of questions.

    1. I long for outdoor shots... I'll manage it someday soon I hope. I love hats but it's hard to find small ones that don't engulf me. This cloche has always been a favourite. Thanks for your feedback!

  23. You do look great in hats especially since that's a great hat!

    1. I almost took off the flower, but decided in the end that it adds to the Chaplin flower girl effect.

  24. The hat becomes you- I'm a big fan of a cloche topper and a 1920's dressing vibe. I think I'd like to see you cloche-in some more! I loved Helga's drunken tree post- reminded me of a hipster fashion layout.

    1. Definitely, that was such a hipster layout! Brilliant! You always look great in that 20s vibe, Bella!

  25. Did I tell you how much i LOVE your street style blog? LOVE!!!!!
    Hugs always

    1. Thank you, thank you! I love doing my thing with a camera on the streets of my home town.

  26. That cloche is your look divine!

  27. Amazing outfit! That cloche looks stunning on you.

  28. This hat is wonderful. My hatboxes are full of cloches, too.


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