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Friday 1 November 2013

Hat Attack 4

Ack ack, HAT ATTACK! Hello, Judith and fellow hat-wearers over at Style Crone.

'Tis I in an elfie shot with my lovely beret, one of my signature hats, this one in dark indigo wool, thrifted. I used to wear my berets firmly planted over my ears which I considered startling appendages best hidden. Now that I am more comfortable with berets and ears, I simply perch my beret like zat, jauntily on my head.

The simple beret is a tidy little lid that keeps your brains fresh and seals in your goodness. Plus, people in Vancouver at least always think you're from France if you wear one. (If I wore a green helmet would they think I'm from Mars? Um, that's a rhetorical question...)

This photo makes me look like an insect. But you know what they say - it's always better to look like an arthropod than a gastropod, such as a snail. My hair is slightly blue from the shampoo I use (on purpose). The platinum is barely holding on but my natural silver is proving good backup.

I'm also wearing my: patterned coat, thrifted; pink scarf, a hand-me-over gift from lovely Sharron, and; out-of-frame black tights and frump shoes. I've previously posted a very similar look here: My Familiar Outdoor Wear. This was the perfect snappy outfit for dodging the usual cast of ghouls, zombies, witches and pirates on my sojourn downtown for a mightily satisfying chin wag with Sandra (Lens is More) over a steaming cup of freshly brewed coffee and sneaky eats from the counter treat bowl.

Let's embrace noble November as a very special month satisfyingly wedged between October and December and third among the Magnificent Four "ber" months. Why isn't it Januber, Februmber, Marmber, Apber, etc.? So much easier don't you think? Have you got special plans this month, I wonder? DO TELL!


  1. Love berets and they look great on you. Not surprised they look good on you!
    This month will be somewhat uneventful, other than a shoe party I was invited to attend in London, I will be mostly trialing the joys of Prozac. Should be fun!

  2. Your signature beret may seal in your goodness, but it's still leaking out into your Mona Lisa smile. I had to laugh about that. Imagine Tupperware shaped like a beret - tout francais!

    Happy November, a month of darkness and reading. No more sunny evenings to distract me outdoors. Damn.

  3. I wear my beret like a hair net, wedged over everything and pulled tight, I need to learn your wonderful 'perch' method.
    Your hair is a beautiful colour, and I now need to find out what a arthropod is.........a butterfly (amongst others!), yes I agree!!
    November? my littlest's birthday, fireworks, good times!
    x x have a wonderful weekend x x

  4. You perch your beret with perfection. Jaunty indeed! I'm sure heads will turn as you and Sandra saunter downtown, with your patterned coat, pink scarf and lovely slightly blue hair.

    Thank you so much for linking up with Hat Attack!

  5. The Ode to a Beret is magnif! Your hair is looking pretty fabulous too. xox

  6. I love your description of the beret's purpose - "to keep your brains fresh and seal in your goodness". I think all hats do that, don't you? Or at least the best ones do. I shall be joining you over at the Hat Attack this weekend.

    November is my birthday month, and as I have decided to adopt the approach that every birthday is a gift (I decided this when I turned 50), I shall celebrate accordingly with a trip to Toronto to see the David Bowie exhibit and visit with friends.

  7. I'm not sure why the four months at the end got the 'ember' suffix, but March, May, and June were named for Roman gods, and after that, Quintilus, Sextilus (they got renamed July and August for Julius and Augustus later) as well as the 'ember' months were named for numbers. The old calender was only 10 months, which is why they're 7, 8, 9, and 10 although they're months 9-12 for us.

  8. I wear my Beret over both ears if it's cold! If it's not so cold I try for the jaunty tilt you've got gong there. Its finally time to store the straw hats and take out my winter ones. Loving your bluish hair! You're looking fab darling.

  9. You were made to wear berets--for you have always struck me as an elfin, pixie soul!!

  10. I would love to be able to say that my birthday is in Apber.

  11. Oh oh my truly favourite hat.......a hat-box full of these little beauties.......
    From now on I shall think of them as sealing in the goodness....or madness...?
    Love v

  12. hurrah for beret fabulousness!, and your hair is looking so pretty! you're gorgeous!, love that people think that you're from France, mwahaha, people in my town think that I'm some kind of foreign artist!, people is so surreal!!
    I'm planning to take Mr.A. to the theatre this month, because he's feeling better but I think he needs some kind of extra push to go out and enjoy some activities!
    Some opera and old films will make us feel fabulously!

  13. I am a beretophile too! I have one in almost every color. I tend to wear mine tipped, so only HALF my brain stays in! Xoxo

  14. I've often wondered about the names of the months. You have an excellent point, and I think I like your names better. I also like the "firmly wedged" part. Sometimes they're slippery devils, you know, getting away before you know it.

    Sending oodles of love. XXXOOO

  15. Thanks for your comment on my recent post. I decided not to quit, just to rethink my approach. Also I think you look a little French to begin with, so adding a beret just completes the picture.

  16. I love the ber months! And I'm glad the beret keeps all the goodness in!

  17. Mel in a beret - one of my favourite autumn sights.
    Mmm, I'd love to celebrate my birthday in Mayber.

  18. love berets, they fit my big head

  19. Berets go over my ears to keep them in place in high winds. And to prevent my enormous brain from exploding outwards and showering everyone with supercilious intellectualism. Obvs.
    Gorgeous photo of gorgeous you.
    I am trying hard to embrace noble November but it's been wet and windy and I'm struggling...
    More berets requited, I think. xxxx

  20. No-one wears the baret like you do. Hence the title of your blog. You knew that already. Great coat and scarf.
    You had me laughing again with your statement: "If I wore a green helmet would they think I'm from Mars? Um, that's a rhetorical question..."

  21. ...and I wanted to see the out-of-frame black tights and frump shoes! Just to get the entire picture, don't you know!
    Lovin' the beret...Frenchie!

  22. The beret is definitely your signature hat and it suits you so well. I miss my woollen berets... I also adore that coat. Such a great find!


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