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Sunday 9 June 2013

VOGOFF June 2013 Hot Off the Press

It's finished - VOGOFF June 2013, all 56 pages. And I have uploaded four, count 'em, four ways you can read it. You can read it below as it appears on Scribd, where I put up the first VOGOFF issue.

Or, because I designed the magazine in a two-up layout, you can read it on a whole new VOGOFF website with your choice of pdf OR full-sized jpegs OR as small jpegs in a photo gallery. WHEW! Clicking the cover below also takes you to the new VOGOFF website.

Doesn't Shelley of Forest City Fashionista look incredible as the cover girl? I thought this photo she sent in encapsulated everything that VOGOFF stands for. Thanks Shelley! This will be a surprise for you. And there are many other amazing photos and articles inside as well courtesy of your talents.

If you don't see your submission in this issue, please don't be discouraged! I was inundated with excellent contributions and the decisions about what to put in were extremely difficult, but I hope you will try again for the next VOGOFF, whenever that may be.

Okay, and so I lied - I wasn't able to get out and visit everyone last week like I had hoped. VOGOFF just ate up my time, but now that it's out I can get on with my 3D life.

That's me from a shoot I did a few days ago for VOGOFF, just to give you an idea... Yes, I AM allowed to submit past the deadline because I have to put up with Miz Bagg! I shall be including this for Visible Monday. Although I didn't wear this outside on my inspiration walk, this shoe-o-clava headwear was pretty cool (I ruined my already-ruined tights to make it), and I want to share it with you at Patti's party at Not Dead Yet Style. Don't give me too many drinks because this shoe-on-the-head-look is tricky to walk in. Now my shoe is a body passenger - if that makes sense.

Secrets of the stars: You can see the gusset of the tights just near my ear. BWA-HA-HA. But it's our secret!  See?- you never know what those tricky magazine people are up to...

Thanks again, everyone, for your awesome support of VOGOFF! I hope that one of these four viewing methods works for you. And yes, I swear, your Honour, now I AM telling the truth - I shall be making my rounds with joy and a big laugh.

Issue 1 (test issue)


  1. I sure must use Google translate to help and browse the VOGOFF magazine. The cover is delightful (of course!) and your shoe headpiece is as good as Rossy De Palma's! Are you a bit of the 2013's Andy Warhol?

  2. Love the cover - OTT excellence! - and your shoe-o-clava creates a marvellously aerodynamic silhouette. I can't wait another minute, I'm dashing off to read the whole thing - bravo!!!

  3. cool, I'll be checking out right now

  4. The line "Vogoff is read by women who own their own sword" - I totally do own a sword!!

  5. Fuck me! I know you don't really care for too many expletives, Mel, but seriously, what else can I say?! It's brilliant. All the contributors are just amazing, and the work and time you must have put into producing this edition is astonishing.
    I'm off for another look, I can't take in all the fabulousness!
    You're a genuis! xxxx

  6. I own a sword too! I love the shoe on head - can't wait to check out the rest. Sorry I didn't submit (so lazy). Next time!

  7. melanie you did a great job. everyone looks amazing. lucy

  8. OMG, I just screamed like a little girl!!!!! You frickin'genius, I love you!

  9. Gargoyle toes! Hollie! Walking the rat!

  10. The magazine is fab and a creative masterpiece!

    blue hue wonderland

  11. Can't wait to see VOGOFF - the cover is fantastic and I am so ready for more inspiration! Gussets by ears - soles by crowns! Whatever will you think of next!!!!!!!!!!


  12. Cannot wait to read it!! (VisMonday has me busy tonight, but it will be my Big Treat Awaiting) You are bewitching in your head-shoe, and the cover is freaking fabulous. xoxoxo

  13. Honored to be included! Tulle tulle much!

  14. Brilliant - I giggled from beginning to end. Your cover girl is frickin marvehlous!

    *throws kisses* Such a treat to be included in the issue.

  15. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!!!

  16. I am gobsmacked and laughing my fecking arse off.

  17. Another fabulous issue, which I just read from 'cover to cover.' Shelley makes a gorgeous cover girl and everyone was brilliant, including you in the most creative and incrdible headwear of the year. VOGOFF for a Pulitzer!

  18. Again Mélanie this is amazing!
    So honored to be in, i had a good laugh when i saw what you did with my pics, such a great imagination you have, so incredible, such a talent you have!
    Thank you for including me!

    Love and hugs

    Ariane xxx

  19. Whatever it is, quit your day job. Now. Oh no, actually don't because you're an incredible artist. But how do you manage to create this delicious, succulent, stunning work of journalistic genius? Because you, my darling star editor, are a living, breathing work of art yourself!!!!!! Thank you so, so much for this utter filth and wickedness - I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED this in my life!!!!!!!! Encore!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  20. Me again - I had to have dinner with my mother, after sniggering about seeing Clemetine's CLIT. The whole of VOGOFF is just brilliant - I will read it again and again, and I am already ordering air and a lack of furniture from Simple.Nothing. It's worth the cost.

    I can't thank you enough for including me - I love my dumpster!

  21. Jaysus! It's a blinking triumph! I can't wait to sit down and devour the lot, you feckin' genius!
    Bet Anna Wintour's shaking in her beige shoes. xxxx

  22. Ooh I'm looking forward to this Melanie, I might have to save it for later when I have time to sit and savour each page, and Shelly does look fantastic, as do you in your shoe! xx

  23. I love Vogoff so much my face hurts from smiling. The Empress's new clothes indeed! And your makeup is divine too.

  24. Another cracking corker of a Vogoff, you're a genius Melanie! Totally hilarious and brilliant. Well done to all the ladies featured.

  25. I was meant to be doing revision for my exams, but was pleasantly sidetracked by this absolute delight of an issue. Between the Cindy Sherman-esque get-ups, Vix's GENIUS bikini (was sitting in my room giggling away over that one) and the fact that nearly all VOGOFF women own a sword, this really could not be any better. This isn't just a breath of fresh air, but a gale force riposte to commodified fashion - instead full of creativity, hilarity and some bloody fabulous clothes.

  26. Vogoff is an endless source of glamour, inspiration and beauty, everyone was so creative and fabulous, I haven't any words to comment and after all who am I to judge the best magazine online!!!
    Great work!!!
    Love xxxxxxxxxxx

  27. Oh Ma Lord how have I missed this locafashionista magazine eyeful?


  28. Bowing to the awesomeness that is VOGOFF!!!

  29. Bowing to the awesomeness that is VOGOFF!!!

  30. Thank you Melanie and thank you to each and every lady who sent in these fabulous photos. This is the only magazine I would ever buy...EVER!!!! Thanks for giving me something to smile about on day when I am finding it very hard.

  31. You TOTALLY give me the HORN!!!

  32. Thank you so much for featuring me. You did such a great job on it, I am absolutely over the moon to be part of this! I couldn't help but chuckle as I was going through the pages, the sense of humour of it all is just right up my street.
    Much love to you xx

  33. Ha!
    I had a riot checking out VOGOFF -so full of shocking and glorious images and humor. I aspire to be a part of this someday, after I loosen up a bit! Looking forward to more issues!!!

  34. Melanie, Melanie, Melanie, Melanie, Melanie, Melanie, MELANIE! Shit!!!!! Melanie!!!!! How do you do it? How much do I love you? Domo Arigatogozaimashi!!!

  35. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amaze-balls! Becky <3

  36. I am so proud to know you guys, even a little. And I don't think I'll ever see anything so outrageous and grand ... until next year? Can't wait to show it to Dan ... he'll die of admiration, I know it.
    And it's really GOOD!!!!!!

  37. Wow! Melanie and all the other contributors, what an amazing magazine. All these photos are top quality. I expect the book in print coming out soon....

  38. I love courageous women! What a look - looks - from you and Shelley both! I love editorial whimsy but hardly ever see it on anyone but young fashion models. Bravo to you and I'm going to check out VOGOFF ;-)

    Spashionista (Alicia)

  39. Hello! Right, I'm sorry I didn't reply to your email but I was just packing to go home from my holiday. Again I wanted to do something for you but ran out of ideas and places to go... sob sob, but everything that you put in the mag is just perfect. I adore your editorials, Curtise, Vix, Shelley and Hollie is bloody amazing, she looks like something out of Vice. Do you have that magazine? A supreme effort, I adore it xxxx

  40. The bloggosphere would be a sad place without people like you in it, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    My dear Melanie you are poetry in action.

  41. This is the first time I have come across your blog (thanks to Sylvia of
    I killed myself laughing reading through the magazine. So funny.
    Thanks for this wonderful piece of art and humour.
    I like to return the favour and hope to make you laugh as well with this video on YouTube:

  42. This is so brilliant I'll be cackling for days! Very clever and so beautifully put together... and some of my favorite bloggers - Bonus!

  43. I have never commented, just admired you from afar however I need to tell you how bloody wonderful VOGOFF is to me and how much I love it - thank you, you are brilliant x

  44. "Darhling! It's simply fabulous!"

    What a fantastic, inspired, hilarious, and creative piece of work. I loved reading/looking at it, Mel. You are so talented!


  45. Unspeakably brilliant from every angle! I worship at the Vogoff altar. xx

  46. I enjoy Vogoff so much, Melanie, that I can't even properly express it properly. It is so good, and so brilliant, and so artistic and so creative, it's RIDICULOUS!

  47. Vogoff is amazing you women are brilliant so caters to my inner rebel and my artistic bent!!! The photography is fabulous!! Keep it coming please :) ~Heather

  48. This is so amazing, I can't even wrap my brain around it. I WILL def be doing the next one!!!!!!!!!!

  49. ... you are hearing something of magnitude greater than piddly ocean between gusset and secret whorls of your ear - amirite?

    Please, please tell me it's Outer Space!

  50. I'm hopelessly uncoordinated. Is the link a "gadget"?

  51. I realize I am late to the party, but I am so excited to read this latest edition!!! You are so incredibly smart and talented!


  52. I just read it all, and how can that be 50-some pages?! It was so funny, so FUN, so brilliant, it felt like three pages! You rock.


  53. Posting about this today- it's a marvelous issue!

  54. Its just brilliant.......
    The world is a better place with Vogoff in it.
    love V

  55. I finally got to read a copy - I didn't realize it was a whole MAG! How. do. you. come. up. with. that. shiznet? Seriously, ridiculously... brilliant Mel. Just beyond wow! xoxox

  56. I just re-read this and it is SO GOOD!!!



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