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Monday 1 September 2014

VOGOFF Sep 2014 hits newsstands!

I hope you're all fainting with excitement. Yesterday I finished VOGOFF, Fact, Fiction, Fraud, September 2014 issue. I. am. satisfied.

To VOGOFF contributors, thank you for your participation. Your individual submissions are what made this collective work possible. Your talents make my head spin!

I haven't been on the blogger radar for a little while with my time divided between work and putting this together, with bouts of rest and relaxation in between, but since some of you have been popping up on my monitor regularly in the past days during editing, I don't feel too far removed. At over 55 pages, time-wise it's been like putting together about a year's worth of blog posts, but with more laughs. Oh yes. I need to put out another edition with the edits I DIDN't put it. Heh.

So read. Spread the VOGOFF word if you can. Isn't our new cover girl smashing? Thanks, Curtise!

I didn't put this issue on the other VOGOFF website yet. I need to take a breather from technicalities; I might up it later. I have put up a JPG version at the VOGOFF website HERE.

Below is a sidebar image of the magazine. I don't know how to do those automatically-linking downloadable sidebar images without subscribing to another service, so I hope this will do if you are interested. The link to this post will have to be done manually. If you need help, let me know.

That's all. I'll ease back into my normal blogging routine soon. Again, thank you contributors! And I hope that you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed farking around with it. Mwah! 

Issue 1 (test issue)


  1. That is bloody brilliant. You have contributors who are even as creative as you, Melanie - who would have thought it? I love it.

  2. Oh. have done the most Farktastic job of creating something totally mind-blowing with our freakish fantasies. Thank you soooo, soo much for all your hard work, and your constant, creative inspiration. You rock. You roll. You rule.

  3. Brilliant, well worth the wait and the best magazine ever published, imho. You soar like an eagle, you! xox

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It's too much for words! Each page is a treasure. I'll be returning over and over. And buying lipstick too! You must be creatively exhausted and understandably so. That picture with Pao and her shoes looks so much like a Dali! I could go on and on......wouldn't these be fun to frame and hang on a wall?

  5. It's frigging fabularse, Melanie! Vogoff gets bigger, bolder, and more splendid every time! Loved it!

  6. Oh my god, I am STUNNED! It's amazing! Curtisse! Alice! Your incredible editorial skillz. I am tres impressed. Love!

  7. Eek, there's a fuzzy Clementine on the cover! Melanie, you have put this together so brilliantly, thank you so much for all your time and work. I love it. And I'm going back to look at everyone again! xxxx

  8. I love this for so many reasons. Keep doing what you're doing. Btw, Curtise - hot diggity! ;)

  9. V.O.G.O.F.F. people! wheee hee hee. Just the way I like it, uhuh. Melanie you did a bang up job on the September edition. How can it keep getting better, better, better? Just like you! Love all the contributors too. From cover girl to end page. Thanks!!!!

  10. Spectacular! I loved every page and appreciate your hard work, talent, inspiring creativity, kindness, and skill. Clementine is gorgeous! It will be on my sidebar ASAP! XO

  11. So much for my blogging break - now I must go visit all these schtars and tell them how much I love their submissions! And you, my dahling, have done an exemplary job pulling it all together and adding the fizz and wow and pop that truly makes it VOGOFF! I love your cameos, and I adore your calm little drawings in the midst of all the madness - I want a little smiley kitty leaning against my cheek. Fantastico!

  12. OMGGGGGGGGGG! Amazing work from all the contributors and you for putting it together! A global treasure!

  13. I'm thrilled beyond words to have been a part of this! You've done an incredible job in putting this together and I truly love reading everyone's interpretations of the theme, not to mention the lovely photos that go along with them. I will proudly put this up on my sidebar. Thanks again for asking me to contribute!


  14. Ah...catch of breath...a cool clean breeze just swept through my mind!
    This is my first VOGOFF! Well worth the reading. How does one comment on such fabulousness daaaaarling? Now go and have a rest! Drs orders!! Xo JJ

  15. Wow Melanie. You and your contributors have outdone yourself again! Fabulous magazine full of beautiful art, creativity and spectacular women.

  16. I LOVE VOGOFF!!! you did a flaming brilliant job, it's utterly blindingly epic and wonderful! thank you for including me, it is such a thrill to be involved (I'm so chuffed!) and with such stellar, creative and awe-inspiring company too! (I will gladly use the sidebar too) x x x

  17. I especially loved the Letter to my Younger Self!

  18. Wow! what a wild ride! : )

    Loved it all!


  19. Ohhhhh...I AM fainting. Somebody catch me, please! This issue of Vogoff may have jogged me out of my blogging coma! You, dear Melanie, are a Shuper Shtar!!!!!

  20. So many brilliant, inspiring, creative women. Oh this is good, SOOO good. You're quite simply a genius.

  21. OMG, this is the Best. Issue. Ever. And...Morris Dancer!!!

  22. I've already read my issue cover to cover several times, and I'm still taking in all the wonderful details. It amazes me that you were able to take such disparate elements and craft such a wonderfully cohesive project. Truly the sum is even greater than the (wonderful) parts. I agree with Rosalind; you're a genius. XXOO

  23. MY DAR-LING !!! Just saw it, and it's the best ever! I'm so happy I know you ... all of you.
    I laughed, I cried and then did it again because it was so wonderful.
    I'm always a fan. Forevahhhh!

  24. Just absolutely farking fabulous!

  25. After speaking with Shelley tonight I realized that I never told you what a great edition you put together. It looked like it took a lot of time and sometimes being the force behind these things you get lost, but I see you and that was a creative piece. Thanks for creating cool stuff


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